Six Great Reasons a Freelancer Should Rent an Office Space

As you can imagine, most freelancers work from the comfort of their homes. Most of them, but not all! There are also those who, being freelancers, are in no hurry to change the office environment for home comfort. And some rush to the office after working at home for several months. Please don't think they get frustrated with freelancing. They are fine with this. Many freelancers are moving away from working from home and buying or renting offices. This behavior is because of some reasons. Let's look at each of them.


It's no secret that we relax at home. We relax even when it is extremely unacceptable; that's how people are by nature. We get used to comforting, and it works against us. The first days we rejoice that we can do what we want. A little time passes and we realize that we often put off important things because of this freedom. And this is not good. What we need in this situation is discipline. So, office discipline does not allow you to be distracted by various stupid things that take up a huge amount of time. Therefore, you can get more done at the same time.


The office not only disciplines but also creates a proper working environment.Having that kind of atmosphere is so crucial to most of us. You can decorate your own space by adding indoor plants and pictures of your family and friends. Only in such conditions, a freelancer can always put their thoughts in order. Only in the office, freelancers will not have thoughts of going to see an exciting movie or playing with their beloved cat. In the office, you will think only about one thing - about work. And there is no boss! Is this not a dream?


There is an enormous selection of offices that have good transport accessibility and beautiful facades. One of these options is the office space in Atlanta. These are new buildings equipped with the most modern technical "stuffing" (air conditioning, heating systems, etc.) and high-quality infrastructure. Cozy cafes and restaurants, shops, and fitness clubs are located either in the building itself or within walking distance. What is not the reason to move to such an office?

New acquaintances

The office usually employs different freelancers. Everyone can find friends and even lovers, as office romances are not uncommon. Moreover, purposeful acquaintance for the exchange of experience opens up new opportunities. First, you can adopt the best experience, develop new abilities yourself, and reveal your talents. Second, this is a great way to learn something new about other freelancers building communications. This unites us and gives rise to discoveries. After all, there are always those in the office space whose experience can help you avoid various mistakes.


Negotiations are an essential part of any business partnership. Further work with the client largely depends on the quality of the negotiations. At this stage, the fundamental conditions for cooperation are determined. There are always comfortable equipped places in office premises where you can talk with partners or clients. Meeting rooms or conference rooms, eventually, can also come in handy for a freelancer of any kind of activity. Because an accessible negotiation, personal conversation, or meeting with a team happens every day.


In addition to renting an office, freelancers do not have to invest in repairs and infrastructure: furniture, appliances, and amenities. These funds do not need to be withdrawn to carry out cosmetic repairs subsequently. In the workspace, the problems of repairing the tenant do not concern. Thus, when renting an office, the money can be directed to business development or self-study. Also, freelancers know how much money will be spent this month on utilities, and necessary supplies. Office space is predictable in this regard. Therefore, you can plan your current and future expenses more accurately.

In conclusion

Office space allows you to fully concentrate on work and not be distracted by unnecessary actions. Many of them are located in the city center and have beautiful panoramic views from the windows. Undoubtedly, you can work at home, but this option is not suitable for all freelancers - you need a very high level of self-discipline. In addition, when you sleep, eat, work and receive guests in the same room, it is depressing. For psychological comfort, “pictures” should be changed.

About the Author:

Ken is an experienced SEO professional. He assists businesses in improving their search engine results by optimizing copy and landing pages, as well as conducting continual keyword research. He is also very skilled in researching and implementing content recommendations for organic SEO success.

Ken Rogers

Ken is an experienced SEO professional. He assists businesses in improving their search engine results by optimizing copy and landing pages, as well as conducting continual keyword research. He is also very skilled in researching and implementing content recommendations for organicSEOsuccess


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