CommPRO|Industry News

CommPRO keeps the communications, public relations and marketing industries connected, informed and creative.

Marketing Brian Wallace Marketing Brian Wallace

The Growth and Damage of Screen Time

The COVID-19 lockdowns led to a dramatic increase in children’s screen time, exposing them to alarming risks such as inadvertent access to pornography and online predators, highlighting the urgent need for parental monitoring and digital safety measures.

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Marketing Frank Hamilton Marketing Frank Hamilton

How to Write a Marketing Essay: Best Tips

Even if you think that your writing skills are quite low, the ability to express your thoughts clearly and persuasively is very important—it helps maintain credibility, and promotes the brand effectively. In reality, there are no secrets that will allow you to become an outstanding writer overnight. However, you can learn some tips to help you improve your marketing essay writing capabilities.

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Marketing Mike Paffmann Marketing Mike Paffmann

Content for Lead Generation

One of the most common strategies that many companies utilize when uncertain times are ahead is investing in promotional content that focuses on the final stages of the buying journey for customers.

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Marketing Dr. David Hagenbuch Marketing Dr. David Hagenbuch

Ensuring Ethical Advertising

We’ve all said things we later regretted.  Fortunately, a personal apology can often atone for such individual indiscretions.  Advertising gaffes, which may reach millions, are much more damaging and difficult to roll back, so why do some of the world’s most creative companies and brightest people continue to make promotional faux pas, and what can be done to avoid them?

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Marketing CommPRO Editorial Marketing CommPRO Editorial

Unique Marketing Strategies for 2023

Effective marketing is a key component of any successful business venture. Recently, there have been changes and new trends in the entrepreneurial world, many of which are specific to marketing. A business’s marketing strategy is vital to increasing sales and retaining customers. Below are unique marketing strategies you can adopt for 2023. Keep reading to learn more.

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Marketing CommPRO Editorial Marketing CommPRO Editorial

The Importance of Accessible Marketing

Your entire target audience should be able to engage with and enjoy your marketing materials. Unfortunately, this probably isn’t the case. You aren't alone if you haven’t intentionally ensured your marketing is accessible. A whopping 96.8% of website homepages aren’t accessible enough to meet the standards of the official Web Content Accessibility Guidelines from WebAIM. 

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