Social Media In Your Job Search: 5 Sites To Be On

By Marie Raperto, The Hiring HubSocial Media and Job SearchUsing social media in your job search can be a very powerful tool.  It can connect you to recruiters, hiring managers, alumni, like-minded professionals and even to organizations where you want to work.  What is most important on networking sites is making sure that you are utilizing your profile to the maximum advantage.  The site or sites you use must show you off so that people can notice and/or find you.  Here are some tips for leveraging LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest an Google+ :LinkedIn:

  1.  Build your profile by including all of your experience from your resume with keywords, skills and accomplishments.  Include an pertinent web links, such as your portfolio.
  2. Make sure your contact information is there.  If you want to network, you must be accessible.
  3. Use a professional headshot and headline.
  4. Update your profile regularly.  You can post articles etc. to show your interest in the field.
  5. Join groups and follow organizations in your field.
1.  Your handle should be your name or a combination of your name and profession.
2.  Use a professional headshot.
3.  Create a professional profiles that shows your top skills.  Add links to your website, LinkedIn profile or your portfolio.
4.  Follow professional organizations and join in Tweetchats/Tweetups.
5.  Search hashtags relevant to your search.
1.  Create your profile and include information from your resume and a professional photo.
2.  In the 'About' section, you can let your network know that you are searching.
3.  Utilize the 'Circles' feature.
4.  Connect and share content.
5.  Be active in hangouts.
1.  Make sure your profile is personalized.
2. Use privacy settings and lists to manage who can see personal or professional content.
3.  Build your network and join relevant groups.
4.  Start discussions by commenting/answering questions.  Be professional.
5.  Utilize Facebook's job boards and apps.
1.  Write a headline with your career goals and top skills.
2.  If you can, create an infographic resume to highlight your skills/accomplishments.
3.  Develop boards to highlight your career interests.
4.  Follow recruiters and professional influencers.
5.  Add links to your other social media profiles to your images.
See you on social media!

Paul Kontonis

Paul is a strategic marketing executive and brand builder that navigates businesses through the ever changing marketing landscape to reach revenue and company M&A targets with 25 years experience. As CMO of Revry, the LGBTQ-first media company, he is a trusted advisor and recognized industry leader who combines his multi-industry experiences in digital media and marketing with proven marketing methodologies that can be transferred to new battles across any industry.

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