Tech Stacks: What Companies are Using to Encourage Employee Engagement and Wellness

Employee engagement begets employee wellness, which begets higher retention rates and productivity.

Emma Atkinson, Ragan Communications

Employee engagement and employee well-being go hand-in-hand. Don’t believe us? Check this out: Researchers from the University of Louisville and Florida International University found a positive correlation between high employee engagement and employee well-being.

The findings, the authors wrote, suggest “employers can significantly affect employee well-being by focusing on psychological workplace climate and engagement as antecedents,” or, in other words, that employee engagement begets employee wellness.

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One of the most effective ways to encourage and measure employee engagement and wellness is by integrating specialized technology into your organization’s internal communications strategy. These digital tools, a set of software and applications, are usually referred to as a tech stack, and constitute an internal communicator’s digital arsenal.

Your intranet and messaging software are part of this tech stack, whether you’re a Microsoft shop, loyal to Google Suite or a die-hard fan of Slack. Here’s what some companies have found useful in integrating wellness and engagement strategies into their own tech stacks:

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