The 3 Ways To Build Brand Recognition On A Budget

CommPRO Editorial Staff

These days branding is so important that it is something that individuals should be doing for themselves and not just companies. Whether you are looking to do personal branding or are looking to make a name for your small business, it can get expensive. It is essential to find a way to budget for branding and outreach, however. 

Branding is a way for you to tell the story of your company and find a way to connect with your audience. It helps to create loyalty and recognition so you have a steady and growing customer base. In this article, we will go over how to build your brand while sticking to a budget.

1 - Be active on social media

Although social media managers can cost quite a bit of money these days, it is still inexpensive to use social media to build your brand. You could do it yourself when it comes to personal branding, for instance. To make sure that you aren’t overextending yourself you should stick to some of the tried and true platforms where your audience is hanging out.

This means that you shouldn’t be trying to have an active presence on every social media network since you would waste a lot of time and resources. Once you have figured out which platform to focus on then you need to make sure that you are treating it uniquely and making sure to optimize the content for the audience there. 

Not only do you need to resize image for Instagram, for example, but create the type of content that people are going to respond to on that network. 

2 - Become an authority

Although you want to have a narrow focus when it comes to not overextending yourself on social media, you do need to be working several media at the same time. This will help you create a name for yourself or your company and build brand recognition. 

This means that in addition to social media, you should also be building a following on YouTube or TikTok by making engaging and helpful videos. In addition, start a podcast so you can reach others in that medium. There will be people that aren’t watching videos but will listen to a podcast on their way to work, for example. 

Then start a blog and create content around topics that people are searching for that your company or brand is working within. For instance, if you company is a pest control service then you should create a lot of content around how to get rid of various pests at home for the blog. 

3 - Create your story

It costs nothing to brainstorm an idea about what your brand identity is. Your brand should have a story around it that your audience will connect with. Once you have the story worked out then you will craft your messaging around it throughout all of your efforts. 

Figure out what your brand is all about and everything else falls into place. 

CommPRO Editorial
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