The Power of Pulling Together

The Power of Pulling Together Simon Erskine Locke, Founder & CEO of CommunicationsMatch

When the history of the pandemic is written, it will likely be defined by stories of the heroism of healthcare workers and first responders, of those who sewed facemasks, and the unsung thousands who delivered meals or groceries and took time to help others.    

A week or two ago, this was less certain. 

This crisis is different than other national disasters because it is so personal and affects us all. For every exceptional act, we have seen darker behaviors – hoarding, buying guns, spitting on Asians, and the flaunting of rules designed to protect society. For a while – it was these behaviors that were the defining features of the crisis.

There’s reason to believe that most will continue to rise above instinctive individualistic actions to ensure we have the best chance to successfully navigate through the challenges ahead. 

While we have had limited time to process the magnitude of the economic collapse affecting everyone, we know our industry is not immune to coronavirus. Communication is never more important than during a crisis, but with Damocles’ sword of budget cuts already falling, the pain will be swift and deep.  

The challenges are real for every business owner, startup, CEO, CMO, CCO, and not-for-profit. Large and small are fighting for survival. But we also need to recognize that among the many challenges, there are also opportunities. What we do over the coming months will impact how swift the recovery will be and shape our lives and businesses for years to come.

Of the many exceptional things people have been doing, it’s been the human responses that resonate: Prudential Financial (my former employer), deferring rents for small businesses around its headquarters in Newark. Upscale restaurant chefs in New York cooking for first responders. Musicians organizing performances over the internet. Friend and executive coach, Ken Jacobs, reaching out to his clients and network offering to just talk about how they're managing in these uncertain times.  

In this crisis individuals and companies are standing up and doing what they can to make a difference. 

We all have a role to play. We need to leverage our resources to help our communities manage through and recover from the impact of the coronavirus pandemic. 

Since CommunicationsMatch™ is designed for virtual work, client organizations continue to be able to use our agency and professional search engine at no cost, and use our built-in tools to connect, create shortlists and issue RFQs/RFPs during the crisis. 

Companies positioned to benefit from opportunities, those that find themselves in the limelight in need of crisis help, and firms that need individuals with specific skillsets will continue to look for the most efficient path to find and hire agencies and professionals, generating new business leads for those on the platform.   

Many are on the sidelines. As they move beyond firefighting, all will need to look at their positioning and messages, and re-focus around what may be a very different customer-value proposition in a new competitive landscape. Communicators will have a key role to play.                 

In addition to adding time and offering discounts on our subscriptions, CommunicationsMatch has launched several initiatives we hope will help our community get through the challenges ahead:  

Communications Volunteer Profiles: For communicators willing to leverage their expertise to help not-for-profits and struggling companies, we have created a new free six-month Communications Volunteer profile.

 Freelancer Benefits: We’re offering freelancers six-month profiles at no cost until June 1st. Since we don’t charge commissions when a client hires anyone on the platform, whatever freelancers earn through an assignment on CommunicationsMatch they get to keep.

Low Cost Access to Telehealth: Through our partner the Marketing IMPACT Council™, we are providing access to highly-respected telehealth provider MDLIVE, available 24/7, for less than $20 a month for a family and $15 for an individual. 

When we pull together as an industry, when we are there to help those who need it, when we use the resources at our disposal to make a difference, we are all better for it.   

Almost 15 years ago, I co-founded the Financial Institutions in Tokyo (FIT) For Charity Run.  We brought the entire industry together to benefit underserved charities and demonstrate our commitment to giving back to the community. Having raised close to $10 million through the years, it’s a great example of the immense power of collaboration.  

Now more than ever we need to tap into it. 

CommunicationsMatch™ offers search tools and services to help companies find, shortlist, and hire agencies, consultants, and freelancers, and help agencies and professionals generate new business leads. He formerly ran corporate communications functions at Prudential Financial, Morgan Stanley and Deutsche Bank. 

Paul Kontonis

Paul is a strategic marketing executive and brand builder that navigates businesses through the ever changing marketing landscape to reach revenue and company M&A targets with 25 years experience. As CMO of Revry, the LGBTQ-first media company, he is a trusted advisor and recognized industry leader who combines his multi-industry experiences in digital media and marketing with proven marketing methodologies that can be transferred to new battles across any industry.

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