Tips to Thrive on Black Friday and Cyber Monday

By Michelle Burtchell-Spector, VP of Marketing, Salsify

With the holidays upon, it is vital that e-commerce sites are buttoned up with clear product content to help consumers click “Buy.” Buyers can research, compare and order gifts from almost anywhere. Each time a shopper sees a product or brand on a digital device or in a store, there is a chance to win or lose a sale.

black-fridayAccording to the NPD Group’s 2016 Holiday Purchase Intentions Survey, consumers plan to spend an average of $636 on their holiday purchases this year. Here are a few important tips to keep in mind to win over consumers during the upcoming shopping holidays.

1. Bargain hunters started early. These price-conscious shoppers are largely done for the season and are waiting on the right discount. Provide shoppers tools to price check so they have the confidence and incentive to buy from you. For the rest of your customers, brand experience may have more influence than price, so make sure product content is tight. If shoppers can't find your product and product information when they perform a Google search on their smartphones while in-store, they'll buy something else.

2. Scrambling for sale items is on the decline. The traditional pattern of long lines on big sale days will be less dramatic this year. In-store retail is by no means dead; its nature is merely changing. More shoppers are going to stores armed with digital research and are expecting a tailored, immersive and curated experience from retailers for which they have brand loyalty. Consider how you can add to the customer experience and value in your vertical.

3. Mobile, mobile, mobile. If your site is not optimized for mobile, you’re missing out on a large portion of shoppers. Research finds mobile shoppers’ #1 pet peeve of is a lack of a mobile-optimized experience. If you are a brand manufacturer working with a retailer that has built mobile experiences, it’s important to understand the specific content requirements they have so your brand can surface to the top of mobile searches. Replicate the in-store experience and provide mobile-ready photos (think 360-degree views and zoom), videos and user generated reviews to influence consumers to buy.

4. The on-demand economy is here. Last-minute shoppers can be even more last minute this year, particularly when it comes to online shopping. Convenience is key; cater to last-minute shoppers by offering strong product content.

No matter who your audience may be, it’s clear the consumer is in charge. Brands and retailers must provide consumers with the best possible online experience to ensure a sale. Take some time to update your online product content before the holiday season is over and get your site ready for 2017.

Paul Kontonis

Paul is a strategic marketing executive and brand builder that navigates businesses through the ever changing marketing landscape to reach revenue and company M&A targets with 25 years experience. As CMO of Revry, the LGBTQ-first media company, he is a trusted advisor and recognized industry leader who combines his multi-industry experiences in digital media and marketing with proven marketing methodologies that can be transferred to new battles across any industry.

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