Turn Your Leaders into Influencers (Free On-Demand Video)


Webinar Overview

Your organization’s leaders might be great communicators, but how do you turn them into influencers? You won’t want to miss this free webinar.

Twitter has become synonymous with influence. We have their head of global brand strategy to share tips and best practices. You’ll also get the results of The Guide to Brand Authenticity: Journalists Survey 2017 from D S Simon Media. Journalists were surveyed to find out the best and worst spokespeople as well as the least authentic spokespeople who do the most damage to your brand.

 The panel includes:

  • Alex Josephson – Head of Global Brand Strategy, Twitter
  • Doug Simon – CEO, D S Simon Media & Founder of The SPOKEies™ Awards
  • Neil Foote – President, National Black Public Relations Society & CEO, Foote Communications LLC
  • Patrice Tanaka – Chief Joy Officer, Joyful Planet LLC & Former Chief Counselor at PadillaCRT

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Our Panel

Alex Josephson

Head of Global Brand Strategy, Twitter

Alex is responsible for Global Brand Strategy at Twitter, helping marketers leverage Twitter’s latest technologies to creatively solve business problems. Prior to joining Twitter in 2012, Alex oversaw integrated marketing partnerships for music streaming service VEVO, across Pan-America, Europe and Australia. Alex has also spent time at Viacom, NBA Entertainment, and the American Red Cross in various marketing, content and communications roles.

Alex earned a film degree from Ithaca College and currently lives in Montclair, NJ with his wife Rebecca and their two kids, Riley and Reese. He is @ajos on Twitter.


Doug Simon

CEO, D S Simon Media & Founder of The SPOKEies™ Awards

Doug Simon is founder and CEO of award-winning influencer marketing firm D S Simon. His firm pioneered Internet Media Tours and its unique approach to guiding clients, PRketing®, was awarded a trademark by the US patent office. He’s provided strategic counsel and executed campaigns for leading brands and non-profits including Pfizer, Fidelity, Lincoln Financial, Macy’s, HOOD, the Consumer Electronics Association, Whitney Museum of American Art and the American College of Physicians.

Doug is an entertaining and informative speaker on communications topics. He’s been among the top ranked speakers at multiple conferences and spoken at the Impact Leadership 21 Global Summit, PRSA International, PR News, Bulldog Reporter, Software and Information Industry Association conferences, Women & Co  and many others. He has provided expert testimony on communications issues during US Senate hearings and founded the award-winning video blog Vlogviews.com.

Doug is frequently quoted in top media across platforms. Television appearances include Reuters, Dateline NBC, PBS, CNN, Fox News Live, First Business and WNBC. He’s appeared on NPR and been quoted in USA Today and on The Huffington Post in addition to numerous trade publications. Doug’s video commentary on the 2012 political conventions was picked up by the humor site Funny or Die.

Doug is former VP of PRSA NY Chapter and he was a three-time president of the Publicity Club of New York. Doug began his broadcast career at NBC Sports, where he served as Talent Assistant to Bob Costas. His hobbies include performing stand-up comedy at New York’s top clubs and rooting for terrible sports teams including the Jets and Knicks while still remaining optimistic.


Neil Foote on Megyn Kelly v. Alex Jones: The Free Press Always WinsNeil Foote

President, National Black Public Relations Society & CEO, Foote Communications LLC

I'm a journalist, educator, entrepreneur, and author. I help entrepreneurs tell their stories. I'm also helping to prepare the current and next generation of storytellers - in print, on-air and digitally  at UNT’s Mayborn School of Journalism. I've worked in all forms or media - newspapers, radio, digital, start-ups, advertising, marketing and public relations. I've been an up close and in person witness to disruption in newsrooms, in classrooms and in companies. I'm a passionate believer in the importance of diversity and inclusion. I write, lecture and participate in discussions about race, image, and media.

I've directed and developed several websites from inception to launch, Identifying, negotiating and managing strategic relationships. I've been recognized as a new media pioneer and expert on digital media strategy, public relations, branding, and marketing. He has distinguished himself in developing programs to increase the pool of diverse leaders in media. 

I've traveled the country participating in panels and giving speeches on a wide variety of topics, including interactive media strategy, public relations, social media, journalism, publicist, publishing, journalism, media planning and strategy, diversity, multicultural marketing, political strategy, messaging and outreach, marketing/promotions strategy and content development/strategy.


Patrice TanakaPatrice Tanaka

Chief Joy Officer, Joyful Planet LLC & Former Chief Counselor at PadillaCRT

Patrice Tanaka is a serial entrepreneur, having co-founded three award-winning, PR & marketing firms, including the largest, employee-owned PR agency in the U.S., all recognized among the “best places to work” in the industry. Recently she created, Joyful Planet, a Business & Life Strategy Consultancy to help individuals and organizations discover and live their purpose and unleash their greatest success, fulfillment and joy. This is the subject of Patrice’s best-selling new book, Beat the Curve (2016), co-authored with renowned management consultant and coach, Brian Tracy. Patrice has been honored by many organizations, including PRWeek (2016 Hall of Fame inductee), PRSA Foundation (Paladin Award), Public Relations Society of America (“Paul M. Lund Award for Public Service”), The Holmes Report (“Creativity All-Star”), New York Women in Communications (“Matrix” Award), Association for Women in Communications, Asian Women in Business, Working Mother magazine (“Mothering that Works” Award), University of Hawaii (Distinguished Alumni), among others.



Paul Kontonis

Paul is a strategic marketing executive and brand builder that navigates businesses through the ever changing marketing landscape to reach revenue and company M&A targets with 25 years experience. As CMO of Revry, the LGBTQ-first media company, he is a trusted advisor and recognized industry leader who combines his multi-industry experiences in digital media and marketing with proven marketing methodologies that can be transferred to new battles across any industry.


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