Where Will Hope Hicks Go Now?

Edward Ed Schinik, CFO, Yorkville Advisors

Just weeks after multiple media outlets declared her one of the most intriguing and stalwart members of the Trump White House, Hope Hicks is leaving. Of all the departures from this somewhat turbulent administrative team, this one might be the most surprising. 

Since long before the election, Hicks was close to President Trump, but far from the spotlight, speaking only briefly to the media, if at all, yet privy to nearly everything happening at the highest levels of government. Now, without warning, Hicks said she plans to resign, transitioning from one of the President’s most trusted advisors to … well … no one is quite sure what comes next for Hicks. 

Where Will Hope Hicks Go Now?In a statement released to the media, Hicks thanked the President, but didn’t say much else: “There are no words to adequately express my gratitude to President Trump… I wish the president and his administration the very best as he continues to lead our country.” 

It’s a big change for the administration. Hicks was one of the first to join the Trump Train in an official capacity, long before he was a shoo-in for even the GOP nomination, much less the White House. Through all the media scrutiny of the President and several members of his team, Hicks mostly stayed out of the spotlight. That changed a short time ago when several different news outlets took a longer look at the top aide. Most recently, Hicks appeared before investigators looking into so-called “Russian interference” into the 2016 election. Hicks said nothing, refusing to answer any questions at all about what she knew and when. 

Likely, she was stung by the recent interrogations into her relationship with embattled former staff secretary Rob Porter, who has been getting hammered in the press due to allegations of abuse by two former spouses. Hicks has refused to comment on that story, on her relationship with Porter, or about her time in the White House. So, the question remains. What will Hicks do as a private citizen? No matter what she chooses, or wishes, her brand is now closely linked to the President. That will open up doors and close others. So, Hicks is left with a choice: will she continue this trajectory or engage in some brand shifting public relations? The former option may be the easiest route, but the latter might be better for Hicks long-term. It mainly depends on where she wants to go from here. Does she want to stay around politics or work as a private citizen? 

At this point, the only thing she has divulged is a plan to stay with family for a time before looking for a new gig somewhere on the East Coast. From there, who knows? The only thing that’s certain is a lot of people will be watching.


Paul Kontonis

Paul is a strategic marketing executive and brand builder that navigates businesses through the ever changing marketing landscape to reach revenue and company M&A targets with 25 years experience. As CMO of Revry, the LGBTQ-first media company, he is a trusted advisor and recognized industry leader who combines his multi-industry experiences in digital media and marketing with proven marketing methodologies that can be transferred to new battles across any industry.


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