Why Your Next Press Release Needs to Thrive on Mobile

Tom BecktoldTom Becktold, Founder, Newsdriver

If you’re sharing and posting press releases the same way you did a few years ago or even a few months ago, it’s time for a rethink.

Reporters, bloggers, and social influencers are expected to produce more impactful content with fewer resources. They have tighter deadlines and less time to hunt down good content ~ and they need way more than text to tell their stories.

Just like them, you need to to impact quickly and visually to connect with a story. And you have to do that knowing that most of your targets are engaging on mobile devices. Small screens make text-heavy press releases less than desirable to read.

With more than half of all web traffic coming from mobile, it’s time to rethink how to present your press releases, so they engage and function better on every screen.

Enter NewsDriver, my latest venture with public relations industry veterans Peter Brand and Gavin Carter. We’ve created a new software platform that quickly converts press releases and associated content so it thrives on mobile devices and influences better on social media.

Unlike legacy public relations platforms, NewsDriver does not charge based on what content you include. Photos and multimedia are vital components to creating an engaging story. Content variety is foundational, not optional.

Another key change: influencers are no longer a fixed target. Which means your paid distribution can no longer be static, or based on a journalist-only, newspaper-centric reach. NewsDriver builds live distribution to social influencers based on the unique focus of every story. We guarantee at least 10,000 relevant impressions for paid distribution — think of it as a social newswire customized each time you use it.

We’re asking you to become a NewsDriver Explorer to preview the next generation of PR storytelling and help influence our path forward.

[author] About the Author: Tom Becktold founded NewsDriver with partners Peter Brand. NewsDriver is the first purpose-built public relations platform designed to optimize content and influence in the mobile-social era. He's been immersed in the world of content development and distribution from TBI ~ the Time-Before-the-Internet. As chief marketer for Business Wire, was a force in transforming the company from a regional teletype wire service to an international web-based communications platform, with more than 30,000 clients; later acquired by Berkshire Hathaway. Follow him on Twitter @becktold [/author]

Paul Kontonis

Paul is a strategic marketing executive and brand builder that navigates businesses through the ever changing marketing landscape to reach revenue and company M&A targets with 25 years experience. As CMO of Revry, the LGBTQ-first media company, he is a trusted advisor and recognized industry leader who combines his multi-industry experiences in digital media and marketing with proven marketing methodologies that can be transferred to new battles across any industry.


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