3 Essential Resources to Increase Business Credibility

Victoria Smith

Credibility is essential to any business today. This is partly because more consumers are taking the time to make informed decisions before taking any further actions. So, any resources that can improve credibility and encourage beneficial interactions can be very much appreciated. There's even a leading hockey team using machine learning to keep fans engaged and facilitate ticket purchases. Below, we spotlight three essential resources that can help you increase business credibility and get the results you're hoping for.

1. Online Reviews and Feedback

Ninety percent of customers read online reviews before visiting a business. This is one of the most compelling reasons why online reviews can go a long way in increasing business credibility for any business. Yes, when satisfied, clients, customers, or patients will automatically post or share reviews. Other times, however, you may need to provide a gentle reminder in a way that's not too intrusive.

Another way to encourage online review is to make the process of posting a review as simple as possible. You might do this with a simple form on your website or emails that include links to website review pages or third-party review sites. Your social media pages can also be used to encourage and share reviews. Online reviews are a helpful resource linked to credibility since online searchers are more likely to choose a business or service provider based on authentic reviews from real people. There’s research suggesting people trust online reviews as much as they trust personal recommendations. On the other hand, less credibility is associated with carefully crafted content that's not supported with reviews or testimonials.

On a related note, be willing to ask your customers for feedback to determine what you need to focus on or improve. This added step can go a long way in increasing your business credibility among your target audience or within your customer base. The reason is that people tend to consider it a sign of credibility if a business is willing to seek and listen to constructive feedback.

2. Improved Data Accuracy

Businesses collect a lot of data these days, whether it's directly online when purchases are made or in person. This is precisely why anything that improves data security and accuracy can play a role in boosting business credibility. For instance, if you run or manage a medical practice, electronic health records, or EHR, can make it easier to collect and secure patient data, especially if efforts are made to verify what's entered. For e-commerce sites, to provide another example, secure payment options can also increase confidence and credibility. In this case, the added credibility and trust can directly improve conversions and revenue.

Better data accuracy also increases credibility by:

  • Reducing billing errors
  • Making it easier to share essential data with other relevant parties
  • Creating a more consistent and convenient customer/patient experience

As data accuracy and collection improves, the added credibility can create a better user experience. This is what ultimately provides meaningful benefits or payoffs for any business.

3. Chatbots and Other Customer Service/Support Options

You'll also boost your odds of increasing your business credibility if you make it easier for customers, end-users, patients, or anyone who uses your services or products in some way to receive support. Several specific resources can be used to achieve this goal. One of the more popular ones today is the use of chatbots. These are programs that allow for some degree of customer interaction with digital devices. Chatbots can be especially useful for after-hours questions new customers may have with fairly standard or common answers.

Credibility can be further increased with customer service and support resources involving:

  • Live chat features
  • An established policy for responding to questions/concerns
  • Easy access to FAQs directly on your website

One other resource that can increase your business credibility is you and anyone on your staff. The way you interact with customers, patients, clients, or anyone else who benefits from what you provide can go a long way when it comes to credibility. It can also help get everyone on the same page with procedures and protocols related to anything involving the typical customer/patient experience, from the initial contact to pay for services or products. Lastly, appropriate follow-up engagement is essentially icing on the cake when it comes to increasing business credibility.

About the Author: Victoria Smith is a freelance writer who specialized in business and finance, with a passion for cooking and wellness. She lives in Austin, TX where she is currently working towards her MBA.

Paul Kontonis

Paul is a strategic marketing executive and brand builder that navigates businesses through the ever changing marketing landscape to reach revenue and company M&A targets with 25 years experience. As CMO of Revry, the LGBTQ-first media company, he is a trusted advisor and recognized industry leader who combines his multi-industry experiences in digital media and marketing with proven marketing methodologies that can be transferred to new battles across any industry.


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