5 Must-Watch Webinars to Revitalize Your PR and Marketing
PR and marketing practitioners have to keep learning and building out their skill sets, or risk being left behind.Fortunately, attending webinars can be an excellent (and often free!) way to expand your expertise.Webinars cater to both visual and audio learners’ needs; they offer the opportunity to hear from industry experts without having to travel; and when an archived recording is provided, they enable attendees to learn on their own time.Of course, as with any other type of educational content, there are a lot of webinars to choose from and it can be easy to miss out.The good news: We’ve gone through our 2015 webinars and selected five of the best for your viewing and listening pleasure.From learning how to write press releases that get discovered online to measuring your content’s success, the below list offers a few ways to spend your free time between now and the new year. And if you’re too busy toasting 2015, bookmark this post and make a resolution to watch the webinars that best fit your needs in 2016.Balancing Content & Data to Power PR Results: The webinar to watch when you’re hearing a lot of talk about “data,” but struggled with math in college.Content cannot be successful without the right data used to measure it – reporting the right numbers to your boss is just as important as the content you create. Learn how to interpret data and use reporting to not just justify, but also inform your content marketing plan.Press Releases that Stand Out in the Digital Age: The webinar to watch (and share) when someone tells you press releases are dead.Press releases are among the most widely used tools that PR professionals can employ to earn media coverage and tell their story to their audiences. And yet, even within the industry, there are a surprising number of misconceptions about them.Learn how to create press releases that not just grab journalists’ and customers’ attention, but also drive traffic and leads, and ultimately contribute to revenue.
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