CommPRO|Industry News

CommPRO keeps the communications, public relations and marketing industries connected, informed and creative.

Digital PR CommPRO Editorial Digital PR CommPRO Editorial

Data, Analytics and the Everyday Practice of PR

You keep hearing that it’s vital to learn how to use data and analytics, but the very thought gives you a headache. You’re a PR person, not a data scientist. (And that’s probably the last thing you’d ever want to be.)You love your job and you thrive on creating content and messaging that builds awareness, authority, and affinity for your brand.

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Content Marketing Central, Digital PR CommPRO Editorial Content Marketing Central, Digital PR CommPRO Editorial

Why PR is the Best Way to Approach SEO

 Although Google’s algorithm is very complicated and includes over 250 different elements, luckily for us they’ve been very open and clear about what gets good ranking in their search engine. Their stated goal is to organize the information on the internet and give their users the very best possible experience and result when they search for something online. With that in mind, their parameters for ranking make perfect sense.

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Digital PR CommPRO Editorial Digital PR CommPRO Editorial

Measuring Results Across the Customer Journey

Brands and organizations are naturally interested in the journey of their customers, supporters or members.  Where did they find out about us, what fires up their interest, what moved them to become a customer or client or patient, and what prompts them to act as an advocate?

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Digital PR CommPRO Editorial Digital PR CommPRO Editorial

Measurement & Analytics - A Hot PR Skill

The TEKsystems report on the Top Digital Skills CMOs are looking for in 2018  has analytics top of the list.While measurement has long been a vital part of marketing, it hasn't always been part of the required PR resume. That's changing. In a recent post PR News stated:

"Data analytics and insights will be more valuable on your resume than "people skills" or great writing."

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