8 Ways To Overcome “Blog-block”

Dian Griesel - featuredBy Dian Griesel, President of Dian Griesel InternationalFinding ways to keep your blog fresh can be a real challenge…especially with a new blog popping onto the scene every half a second. That’s a lot of content to compete with out there! Here are several actions you can take to renew and refresh your blog’s content:1. Participate in the blogosphere. Read and comment on other blogs in your field. Get involved in the conversation, and build your authority on the subject with readers. Find inspiration from the hot topics being discussed in your field. Chances are something will strike a chord with you and you’ll be able to take the idea and run.2. Engage your readers. Get them involved in the conversation by asking them to comment on your blog. Maybe even pose a question to your readers in your blog post to get a response and start a dialogue amongst readers. Turning your readers into active participants on the blog makes them feel personally invested. If a reader is concerned about his/her privacy, have the option to submit questions or comments via email.3. Survey your readers. Learn more about who your readers are and what interests them. This is another method to actively engage your readers while learning valuable information about your readers. The survey doesn’t have to be anything too formal, just a fun, casual “Buzzfeed” style quiz to help you get to know your readers’ preferences, experiences and interests.4. Run a contest or giveaway. Everybody loves to be a winner! Holding a contest is a fun way to get your readers to play an active role in the blog’s content. Building this bridge between a brand’s followers and your followers is beneficial to both sides.5. Create a ripple effect: Connect your blog to other social media platforms. Utilize the vast network of potential new readers by engaging Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr communities. Encourage your readers to follow you on these various platforms and share your content with their followers. Follow your readers back to stay in tune with their interests and any trending topics in your field.6. Check your blog’s site meter stats. Examine these numbers to show you which of your articles are the most popular. Use this information to guide your future posts; expand on the topics and subtopics that capture the interests of your readers.7. Mix it up. Some people like to get their information visually while others prefer more auditory methods. To reach all types of learners, switch up the style of your posts. Try a video entry, image-based post or even a solely auditory podcast. Cover your bases and give all formats a try.8. Reconnect with your passion. It can be easy to get bogged down with the statistics and lose sight of what’s really important: your passion, the original inspiration for it all. There was something that ignited your interest in this topic and lead you into the blogosphere. Remind yourself of this and write from that place of genuine enthusiasm for the topic.Blogging takes discipline and dedication. Constantly coming up with new, creative posts can be a daunting task, but if you remember to stick to your passion, engage with your readers and stay connected to both the industry and the community, you will always have something to post about. Get generating![author]About the Author: Dian Griesel is a strategic visibility expert, an author of several business books on corporate communications and the president of Dian Griesel International, a public relations firm that delivers traditional, digital and social media visibility for greater engagement with desired audiences.  [/author]  

Paul Kontonis

Paul is a strategic marketing executive and brand builder that navigates businesses through the ever changing marketing landscape to reach revenue and company M&A targets with 25 years experience. As CMO of Revry, the LGBTQ-first media company, he is a trusted advisor and recognized industry leader who combines his multi-industry experiences in digital media and marketing with proven marketing methodologies that can be transferred to new battles across any industry.


Build an Audience With a Blog


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