A Simple Guide To Choosing The Right Hosting Package

A Simple Guide To Choosing The Right Hosting Package

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Charles DearingSuccessful business websites have the best web hosting packages. As a business owner starting up a company website, you may be struggling will all of the available options. Since every hosting company is different, those features and packages are not created completely equal. Clearly, there is major price difference in the hosting industry in 2018 and heading into the future. From bandwidth to disk storage, you have to determine what fits your website needs best. Otherwise, you could ruin the performance of a nicely designed website with compelling content. Here’s our guide to choosing the right hosting package for your website.

Choose A Website Type

To begin choosing the right hosting package for your website, determine what type of site your business needs. Research a list of websites that would become your competition. In doing so, you can select the most successful types of sites for your industry. For example, a competing website might have an active blog, social media profiles and advertising options. This could serve as a benchmark for the quality of your content or design of your site. Your website could be eCommerce, content, corporate or interactive marketing focused. Depending on your type of website, you might end up using a platform like Wordpress, BBPress or Magento. With these options in mind, you can narrow down which hosting packages would be best for you.

Evaluate Security Measures

Include security measures in your decision on choosing the right hosting package for your website as well. As a business owner, your company's safety is crucial to meeting your goals. Therefore, you need the most secure website as possible. For advanced configurations, you may need a VPS hosting package. Compared to shared solutions, VPS packages offer higher security capabilities to protect against hackers. This level of protection can keep your customer information safe. Additionally, it will keep your website online for high availability. When choosing a hosting provider, evaluate your security measure requirements.

Determine Necessary Data Bandwidth

Bandwidth is another consideration when choosing the right hosting package. Higher bandwidths allow for more data to be passed to and from your site on a monthly basis. Therefore, you must estimate how much data you will need each month to determine your necessary data bandwidth. Consider how much traffic you might get each month. Every time a customer visits your website, bandwidth is used. If you host a brand podcast, your bandwidth usage will be much higher due to audio or video streams. Meanwhile, new websites typically do not cross over the maximum amount of data bandwidth. However, if you plan on keeping the same package deal for years, you may want to consider one with a higher bandwidth. Keep data bandwidth in mind when choosing the right hosting package for your website.

Consider Email Hosting

Keep email hosting in mind when selecting a hosting package. Email hosting options include normal inboxes, forwarding accounts, and alias accounts. The normal inbox option entails one email account. If you choose a package that offers forwarding accounts, the server will forward emails to other email addresses. Companies who need multiple employees to receive emails benefit from this option. Additionally, alias accounts can be compared to forwarding accounts. You can put a catch-all alias into place. Choose a package that offers email hosting that suits your business needs.

Search For Frequent Backups

Moreover, find hosting packages that offer frequent website backups. While site backups benefit hacked sites, they also provide further protection. Frequent site backups protect against ally types of ransomware, disasters, site crashes and computer fails. The more often your site is backed up, the more information you will have if a crisis occurs. Look for a package that offers both manual backups and automatic full backups regularly. This way, you can control how often your site is backed up. In addition, you will have access to restore your files easily if anything happens. Ensure you choose the right hosting package that offers frequent backups.Web hosting packages create profitable sites for business owners like yourself. To find the best package, first choose a website type and platform. Then, evaluate the security measures you want for your site. Determine the necessary data bandwidth for your site as well. When comparing hosting packages, decide which email hosting option will benefit you the most. Finally, find hosting packages that provide regular backups to protect your website from data loss. Following this guide, you can choose a hosting package to match your website requirements.

About the Author: Charles Dearing has an MBA and is a blogger and contributor to various marketing and business blogs. He is one of the frequent writers behind the sucessfull blog Opportunitiesplanet. 

Paul Kontonis

Paul is a strategic marketing executive and brand builder that navigates businesses through the ever changing marketing landscape to reach revenue and company M&A targets with 25 years experience. As CMO of Revry, the LGBTQ-first media company, he is a trusted advisor and recognized industry leader who combines his multi-industry experiences in digital media and marketing with proven marketing methodologies that can be transferred to new battles across any industry.


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