Building the Future of Networking

The Future of Networking

When we think of leaders of industry we tend to associate that with companies.  These could be Apple, Google, even Amazon, but there is one thing that these companies have in common: they set the trend for all industries. 

Recently, the latest trend has been remote work.  Due to the Coronavirus pandemic most individuals were forced to make an overnight shift to remote work in order to protect themselves and the businesses they worked for.  While this transition was rough at the beginning, many employees now prefer remote work to an office environment. 

Picking up on employee sentiment, titans of industry Facebook and Twitter among others have announced a permanent shift to remote work.  Remote work as a business decision allows companies to reduce investments made on retail and overhead for fees like rent and maintenance. 

However, in order for there to be a permanent shift to remote, these companies had to fix the three major problems that contribute to an unproductive home-work experience: speed, security, and simplicity. 

Everyone has experienced slow internet.  Whether it happened while you were trying to stream your favorite Netflix show  or while you were in the middle of an important work call, slow internet can be a hindrance to your daily life.  This is even more apparent in a work situation because it can severely limit productivity.  35% of people surveyed reported not being able to finish work due to poor connectivity. 

This can be potentially disastrous in a permanent work from home situation. If an employee can not complete their work due to poor internet, then they could potentially lose their job. Companies need to make sure that each employee has access to quality internet otherwise deadlines can not be met. 

Slow internet can also increase the risk of a security breach which would be extremely detrimental to a company.  Security risks have grown exponentially as the result of remote work and companies have had to work overtime to figure out how to mitigate these risks. 

Finally, even after the initial learning curve remote work is not simple.  Without the resources that an in-person office has to offer, employees are essentially left to fend for themselves in a tech emergency situation. .

Brian Wallace

Brian Wallace is the Founder and President of NowSourcing, an industry leading infographic design agency in Louisville, KY and Cincinnati, OH which works with companies ranging from startups to Fortune 500s. Brian runs #LinkedInLocal events, hosts the Next Action Podcast, and has been named a Google Small Business Adviser for 2016-present.

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