How Social Media Shapes Your Multi-Channel Marketing

Social Media and MarketingMost social media marketers share the same thoughts as they open up their mobile phone or computer each morning: Who am I going to reach today? How will my posts result in shares, comments and other interactions?I know those questions come to my mind when I log into my computer. However, your social media strategy must run deeper than that.When you think about social media for your brand, it’s not enough to consider what you put on your social channels. You also have to consider how social touches other aspects of your multi-channel marketing plan.What was once a separate entity, social media and the 24/7 brand visibility it has brought must now be considered in all of your brand’s PR and marketing content.“A brand needs to become a regular part of the social conversation to understand and serve its audiences,” writes Victoria Harres, VP of strategic communications and content at PR Newswire and author of the white paper Tips for Creating a Press Release that Maximizes Social Sharing.Simply put, your content strategy must be “social ready” with thought given to social media’s capacity for amplifying your content’s reach, connecting you directly with thought leaders, and extending your content’s shelf life. Here are five ways to maximize your social readiness.Events: Social media opens up a number of different options when it comes to events. Your event promotions have the potential to reach an almost limitless audience. In addition, people who cannot physically attend an event are able to follow along via Twitter and other channels using event hashtags. This also allows chatter surrounding your event to have a longer shelf life after it takes place. And don’t forget, Twitter chats can be an effective way to create a discussion on, well, whatever you feel you and your audience find beneficial to one another.Thought Leadership Content: Beyond promoting blog posts, white papers, and other content marketing pieces over social media, you also need to look at how the content itself enables social sharing. Tweetable headlines, social sharing buttons and images optimized for various social platforms are just a few ways to make your content “social ready.”Another advantage is that thought leaders are now more accessible than ever thanks to social media. Outside of my responsibilities at PR Newswire, I run a nonprofit focused on improving maternal healthcare. By using social media to identify and reach out to thought leaders in our field, I have had the opportunity to communicate and work side by side with influencers who have helped further our mission.N-CO-1.1.4_Tips-for-Writing-Press-Releases-For-Social-Media

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Paul Kontonis

Paul is a strategic marketing executive and brand builder that navigates businesses through the ever changing marketing landscape to reach revenue and company M&A targets with 25 years experience. As CMO of Revry, the LGBTQ-first media company, he is a trusted advisor and recognized industry leader who combines his multi-industry experiences in digital media and marketing with proven marketing methodologies that can be transferred to new battles across any industry.

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