How to Make the Right Impression: A Guide to Digital Reputation Management (Download)

How to Make the Right First Impression: A Guide to Digital Reputation ManagementNow that search engine queries comprise nearly 64% of the average company’s internet traffic, managing your organization’s online reputation is more critical than ever. An extensively researched white paper explains steps that every organization or professional should take to ensure their digital profile reflects their desired image.The report, authored by strategic communications firm Lumentus, details the importance of controlling your online reputation by building and maintaining a “digital fortress.” A properly managed digital presence combines elements of owned content such as a strong company website, active social media profiles, third-party media coverage, and, potentially, online advertising.“How to Make the Right First Impression: A Guide to Digital Reputation Management,” is a practical guide to current search trends and statistics, which explains the increasing importance of search results on business growth and development. The white paper by Lumentus provides infographics, case studies, useful tips, and tactics, as well as industry best practices.“Online reputation management is both a science and an art,” said Lumentus CEO Laurence Moskowitz. “We created this white paper to offer corporate communicators, public relations professionals, and company executives a straight-forward guide on how to manage the ‘long tail’ of digital reputation. A successful online profile defines, projects, and protects the image that every organization strives to portray.”Lumentus, based in New York, has extensive experience in creating and rehabilitating the digital profiles of brands, corporations, and their executives, associations, and financial services companies, among other clients. In addition to its Digital Reputation Management practice, the firm offers traditional and social communications services that complement online campaigns.The white paper was co-authored by Senior Partner Christina Bertinelli and Director of Digital Strategy Bryan Bridges. Bertinelli heads the firm’s Digital Reputation Management practice and oversees its team of content specialists and technology and search analysts, with particular expertise in professional services, hedge funds, and private equity firms. Bridges has extensive experience in financial services marketing and provides Lumentus ­­clients with strategic counsel, content development, and SEO and SEM programs.

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Paul Kontonis

Paul is a strategic marketing executive and brand builder that navigates businesses through the ever changing marketing landscape to reach revenue and company M&A targets with 25 years experience. As CMO of Revry, the LGBTQ-first media company, he is a trusted advisor and recognized industry leader who combines his multi-industry experiences in digital media and marketing with proven marketing methodologies that can be transferred to new battles across any industry.

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