How to Plan for Better Content Marketing Efforts

Ellie Martin, Business & Marketing WriterContent marketing has evolved significantly in recent years.Today companies can implement more authentic branding strategies thanks to new tools and knowledge generated by a boom in innovative and creative approaches to business.From management, to design and inventive campaigns, content marketing has developed significantly, and we’re getting better at all the time.Whether you are a startup looking to introduce yourself to the world, or an established company looking to refresh your brand identity, here are 5 ways that you can improve your marketing strategy in the ever-evolving marketing landscape.1. Establish a content planIt’s easy to get overwhelmed by the constant stream of tools and software that promise to help you improve your social media marketing campaigns. In order to get the most out of the latest content tools, it’s crucial to have a good strategy in place. This is where the social media calendar comes into play. Whether you design your own, or turn to one of the many useful templates out there, having a content calendar is an effective way to keep your strategy on the right track.Not only does a visual board allow you and your team to ensure quality content is being placed every day, but it also creates space for new ideas. Depending on your needs, there might be a better time to publish an article or post based on current news, an upcoming event or even a promotion. A clear layout leaves little room for error and a lot of room for improvement.2. First impressions countFrom Bauhaus to Minimalist, design plays an integral role in how we interact with the world around us. When it comes to content marketing, design plays an equally important role. Companies and brands today are not only aware of the importance of design, but often make it a top priority in their content marketing scheme.Before you realize your image, it’s essential to first establish what you are trying to achieve considering both your brand identity and target audience. Once you’ve laid the foundation of your identity, do your research and find a designer who understands both your company’s philosophy and customer’s needs.3. Stay mobileThe smarter our phones get, the more we move away from our desktops. Over the last several years, there has been a major increase in mobile internet traffic, so you better make sure that your content is mobile-friendly. To ensure that you not only increase traffic, but keep people coming back for more, customize your copy in such a way that it looks attractive on both the big and little screen.The majority of mobile users spend most of their time on apps, which has led many companies to broaden their horizons. In addition to user-friendly platforms on mobile devices that see a wider reach, they also allow you to target specific demographics and customers based on their needs.4. StorytellingWho are you and why does it matter? That’s what your customers want to know. Even if you yourself know that your product is high quality and all the numbers and stats can prove it, that information needs to be translated into a language that is accessible. In the case that you might just be starting out, creating your own brand story can also be a way to discover who you are as a brand.Your story should aim to address the five ‘w’s’: who, what, when, where and why, in a way that’s personal. Content which aims to be more emotive gives potential consumers the feeling that they are getting to know you, rather than the feeling they are being forced to study for a test.5. Back to basicsOne mistake that a lot of companies make when implementing a new content strategy is that they overcomplicate the process. Focusing on flashy campaigns and churning out blog posts can undermine the quality of your copy and subsequently cost you subscribers. To avoid falling into a pit of subpar content and reduced audience reach, many companies are going back to basics. In fact, one of the most effective tools used today in content marketing is email.While there have been plenty of startups that have tried their hand at creating products to replace email, it doesn’t seem to be going away anytime soon. There has been a slew of major companies that have seen great success with email marketing campaigns. Both professional and informative, email is great for keeping your customer up to date in a personalized way.While carving out the perfect content strategy for your brand, it’s important to be organized and simultaneously flexible.Setting up a clear blueprint that helps you plan and post consistent content while paying close attention to consumer’s needs, will give you a better chance at generating a more meaningful content flow that keeps your audience engaged and encourages growth.[author]About the Author: Ellie Martin is business and marketing writer. Her works have been featured on Entrepreneur, Business Insider, Girls Tech. among others. She currently splits her time between her home office in New York and Israel. Connect with her on Twitter @EllieMartin120[/author]

Paul Kontonis

Paul is a strategic marketing executive and brand builder that navigates businesses through the ever changing marketing landscape to reach revenue and company M&A targets with 25 years experience. As CMO of Revry, the LGBTQ-first media company, he is a trusted advisor and recognized industry leader who combines his multi-industry experiences in digital media and marketing with proven marketing methodologies that can be transferred to new battles across any industry.

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