Stop the Exodus of Top Women Managers from Your Organization

“Women are leaving their senior and mid-level manager positions at the fastest rate ever,” according to McKinsey & Company’s 2022 Women in the Workplace study. The report states that women want to work in a workplace where they are recognized for their accomplishments, provided with leadership training to support their professional growth and offered career promotions. The study also reveals that “less than half of companies provide training for managers on how to minimize employee burnout and make sure promotions are equitable.”

Pepsico is an example of an organization which has high retention rates of women by providing them with both leadership training and career growth. The company is known for giving women stretch assignments, leadership programs and profit and loss experience which can lead to C-suite roles. Investing in women managers through women-centric leadership programs yields great results in retention and equity of  both high-potential and senior women leaders at such companies as Northwestern Mutual, Eli Lily, Kaiser Permanente and a select number of  other smart companies.

Private and public organizations will benefit tremendously by enrolling women in leadership programs which address women’s unique challenges and cultural barriers.  An outstanding example of that is the Executive Women’s Leadership Program (#EWLP) offered by The George Washington University’s Center for Excellence in Public Leadership (GW CEPL). The Center also offers a program for high potential young women leaders, Women Leaders on the Rise (#WRISE). Both programs offer a space where women feel comfortable addressing challenges unique to women, as well as learning solutions and strategies through teaching modules focused on vision, communication, relationship building, mindset, courage, presence and confidence. The program for executive women is a 3-day intensive live and online scheduled for October 18-20, 2023, and again, from May 1-2, 2024, while the Women Leaders on the Rise program is scheduled for May 7-8, 2024.

Women Leaders on the Rise Program (#WRISE) gives high-potential women leaders at the start of their careers the tools to enable management success, while addressing limiting beliefs that may be holding them back. Executive Women’s Leadership Program (#EWLP) is designed for experienced executives who have potential for greater leadership responsibilities. Topics covered include executive presence, negotiations, resilience, growth mindset and more!

Leslie Grossman

Leslie Grossman, Faculty Director, Women's Leadership Programs, GW Center for Excellence in Public Leadership & Founder, Her Circle Leadership

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