How to Unleash Your Inner Social PR Superhero in Just Three Hours

Shonali BurkeBy Shonali Burke, ABCRecently I shared with you the three areas I think budding and existing Social PR Superheroes need to focus on in 2017. Yes, even those who’ve already embarked on, and are doing well in, Social PR.You see, no one is born a Social PR Superhero. It takes work, A LOT of it, dedication, as well as a great wig to cover the bald patches on your skull where—with some regularity—you’ve torn your hair out.That last part is a joke, just in case you thought I was serious. That said, while it might not leave you on the balding side of the industry, upgrading your Social PR smarts often comes with a fair amount of frustration, not to mention fear… after all, what if you don’t succeed?But what if you could make the process of becoming Superhero smart just a little less painful?What if, through just a few simple principles, processes, and workflows, you could rev up your Social PR so that you didn’t have to spend every waking minute just to get by?What if you were able to tap into your innate skills and talents to “unleash your Inner Social PR Superhero,” as it were, and really give your career the boost it deserves?This is exactly what you’ll be able to do when you sign up for “LIFT OFF! The Social PR Superhero's Guide to the Galaxy” – my uber-useful and fun, LIVE online mini-training coming soon to a computer screen near you. Oh, also? It’s free.Now, I'm not going to take you to a galaxy far, far away (carbon footprint and all that), but I will introduce you to a whole new world of Social PR during this three-day edutainment extravaganza, built around the most thorough approach to Social PR the industry has yet seen: The 7C Social PR Framework™.Give me just three hours - 1 hour/day on Feb. 10, 11, and 12 (2-3 pm ET each day, with a 24-hour replay for registrants) - and I'll give you a whole new way of looking at Social PR, that will completely change your approach to our world … for the better.Here’s what you’ll learn during “LIFT OFF!”:

  • Day 1: learn how to activate your own personal 3-point Growth Action Plan, so that you can go from Social PR Not-Quite-Zero to Superhero, and master today's Social PR landscape
  • Day 2: soak up my signature 15-minute-a-day formula for super-efficient AND effective social listening, so that your efforts add a whole new dimension of value to your organization's revenue generation
  • Day 3: grab a 6-pronged Twitter-inspired media relations mind map, so that you can build better relationships with media the Social PR way, and do it faster, stronger, better!

Plus, I have challenges in store for you, a goodie bag of some really super books, secret reveals, and much more!Sign up now for what I guarantee will be a professional development highlight of Q1, if not the entire year. See you Feb 10! [author] About the Author: Shonali Burke, ABC, is a globally acknowledged, award-winning Social PR strategist, teacher and trainer. She is also the world’s biggest ABBA fan, and would have given anything to see Elvis live in concert. [/author]  CommPRO 640x480 v2

Paul Kontonis

Paul is a strategic marketing executive and brand builder that navigates businesses through the ever changing marketing landscape to reach revenue and company M&A targets with 25 years experience. As CMO of Revry, the LGBTQ-first media company, he is a trusted advisor and recognized industry leader who combines his multi-industry experiences in digital media and marketing with proven marketing methodologies that can be transferred to new battles across any industry.

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