Media and Tweeters Watch Out! – My Tweet Police Are Watching

Thomas J. Madden, Chairman and CEO, Transmedia Group

Media and Tweeters Watch Out! – My Tweet Police Are WatchingBefore I get to my latest creation, The Tweet Police, I just want to set the stage a bit and tell you it’s been a fun journey for me so far that’s continuing briskly, right Dr. Murphy?Every year Dr. Murphy finds my heart fit as the fiddle my dad used to play.  I’m active as I ever was in my thirties and forties.  No walk-in bathtubs for me.  No Life Alerts.  I’m still doing PR profusely.  And if I’ve fallen, I get right back up.  I drink black coffee, not Ensure.  And I don’t read AARP, although they’ve been trying to get me to subscribe ever since I turned 50.No I still feel too young for all that senior stuff.  So what’s keeping me youthful so long?  In a word, humor.  The more you laugh, the younger you’ll stay.  And feel!Humor does a lot for me.  It helps my books sell, this blog billow, my patented inventions take off.  Lands a cat client on The Today Show.  Fills seats at The Laugh Factory after I hand out toothbrushes to “Fight Glum Disease.”  Now the “Spin Man,” the title of my zany autobiography, injects humor into presidential tweeting with my latest hilarity—The Tweet Police ( the humor manifest in Tweet Police is a serious warning.  It’s a warning to both media and tweeters to watch out as now “the force” is watching you. Take it from the acting Tweet Police Chief –ME!  ( message to tweeters is “tweet responsibly or pull over.”  And to news media obsessed with tweets, I advise they cover them in proportion to what in real lives matter.The mission of The Tweet Police is to protect the rights of tweeters as long as they tweet lawfully and follow basic rules of decency.With tweets now coming from highest places, they’re affecting national agendas, causing ferocious windstorms of fake news upstaging what’s really important.If you see a tweet that’s wrong, hurtful, sexist or grossly inaccurate, say something.  If you’re media, don’t dwell on Trump’s tweets interminably. Tweet Police will investigate and charge offenders with hissdemeanors or melonies.Imagine if Ivan the Terrible Tweeted. Do we have today Ivan the Trumpible tweeting?  Hardly!When I’m not writing satires of life in a Florida condo or inventing products like my Knife and Forklift, a combination of dumbbells and utensils to exercise while eating, I’m the CEO of TransMedia Group, an international PR firm I founded in Manhattan, then moved to Boca Raton.In my blog MaddenMischief, I promote my latest book on Amazon, “Is there enough Brady in Trump to win the inSUPERable BowL?”Part of me twinges when Trump tweets.  Another part says: good, they deserve it for saying such awful things about our President.  Cable networks are coming unglued, devoting inordinate coverage to his tweets that dominate news cycles, upstaging more important events.”Perhaps satire will help:It’s Monday morning in the network’s newsroom.  Tweet reporters are hunched over control panels anxiously awaiting President’s next tweet.  There’s tension in the room as President Trump’s in twitter war with Morning JoeCut!  Stop!  Everybody cool it!  Time for a media/Trump tweet truce!  OR RISK ARREST! [author] About the Author: Thomas Madden is CEO of TransMedia Group, one of the largest independent PR firms in Florida, where it currently operates. The firm’s clients have included AT&T, American Red Cross, City of New York, GL Homes, Jordache Enterprises, McCormick and Schmick’s, Rexall Sundown, Stanley Steemer. [/author]          

Paul Kontonis

Paul is a strategic marketing executive and brand builder that navigates businesses through the ever changing marketing landscape to reach revenue and company M&A targets with 25 years experience. As CMO of Revry, the LGBTQ-first media company, he is a trusted advisor and recognized industry leader who combines his multi-industry experiences in digital media and marketing with proven marketing methodologies that can be transferred to new battles across any industry.

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