Production-Ready Blockchain Platform for Decentralized Apps and Enterprise Blockchains Released

CommPRO Editorial StaffArcBlock announced the release of its ArcBlock Blockchain Platform 1.0, the updated blockchain platform enables developers and businesses to build, manage and run production-ready blockchain networks and decentralized applications easily.Since the first public beta release on May 7th 2019, ArcBlock’s engineering team has issued more than one hundred and twenty beta releases, announced multiple new partnerships including Infinite Gravity, a leading gaming company, and most recently one of China’s leading ride-sharing companies, GoFun Travel, who is adopting ArcBlock's blockchain platform enable next-generation data and customer-facing services, and more than two thousand developers who participated in the beta. Starting today, ArcBlock has reached their first stable and production quality milestone — version 1.0The ArcBlock platform enables anyone to launch a self-sovereign, customized blockchain in just a few minutes, utilize a scalable cross-chain open protocol, multiple blockchains can interconnect and communicate with each other to form a blockchain network. With the “Blocklet” design, developers can start to build decentralized apps run on the public blockchain or customized blockchain within minutes. and upcoming customer support and training capabilities to help companies and developers interested in leveraging blockchain technologies, or becoming ArcBlock certified, to learn from industry experts and get valuable best practices for their own projects.Starting today, ArcBlock’s platform now includes production-ready capabilities and many updates to their ArcBlock SDK, CLI, and a dashboard experience based on more than three thousand individual pieces of feedback from early beta users and partners. Developers are now able to:

  • Create new blockchains in one-click
  • Use pre-built Blocklets
  • Deploy blockchain node software into any cloud, hybrid on on-prem environment
  • Benefit from On-chain governance
  • Execute Smart Contracts on a trusted execution platform
  • Dynamic Consensus
  • Use many of today’s leading programming languages including JavaScript and Python
  • Reload their code using Hot-Code Reloading to remain online

“We are excited to see ArcBlock achieve release 1.0,” said Robert Mao, CEO of ArcBlock. “When we started this project two years ago, we had a vision and through strong collaboration with our communities, developers, and customers, we have been able to redefine what is possible with blockchain and are fulfilling our vision. We have removed the complexity out of blockchain and allow anyone, anywhere to power their blockchain projects with ArcBlock. I look forward to seeing more products and services powered by ArcBlock in the months and years ahead.”Source: Blockchain Wire

Paul Kontonis

Paul is a strategic marketing executive and brand builder that navigates businesses through the ever changing marketing landscape to reach revenue and company M&A targets with 25 years experience. As CMO of Revry, the LGBTQ-first media company, he is a trusted advisor and recognized industry leader who combines his multi-industry experiences in digital media and marketing with proven marketing methodologies that can be transferred to new battles across any industry.

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