Smollett's Brand Equity in Question After Revelations

Brian Gefter, Provacateur Holdings 

A few weeks ago, Empire star Jussie Smollett was on his way to becoming an ambassador for all that is wrong with politics and race relations in the United States. The victim of a vicious and unprovoked attack, the actor gave an impassioned plea for the perpetrators to be caught and for the country to take a long look at its soul.

Smollett's Brand Equity in Question After RevelationsWhat a difference a few facts can make... Now, Smollett is dealing with being a laughing stock indicted for perpetrating a racially-inspired hoax. Police are saying Smollett not only wasn’t a victim, he was the organizer of a false attack. Reports claim the actor “hired men to help him stage a racist attack… giving specific slurs to yell… and hoping that cameras would record the attack…”

Authorities have called the incident “a publicity stunt (that) was a scar Chicago didn’t earn and certainly didn’t deserve…” adding that Smollett “took advantage of the pain and anger of racism to promote his career…”

So, what is Smollett saying about all this? At this point, not much. His legal team maintains Smollett believes the allegations are “outrageous” insinuating the reports are untrue. But that narrative is not currently gaining a whole lot of traction.

Media networks, individual reporters and more than a few political candidates, including at least one presidential candidate, have gone on record expressing their anger and disgust about being taken in by the hoax. With this kind of unilateral opinion-creating power stacked against him, Smollett’s PR and legal teams are going to have to do better than denying “outrageous allegations” if they want to gain any positive traction in this situation.

Meanwhile, what is Fox, the network that airs Empire saying about all this? Initially, the network tacitly supported Smollett, but it appears that support is waning. Fox is now saying the company is “evaluating the situation and considering our options…”

That, too, is where Smollett’s PR and legal teams find themselves. Whatever the real facts of this case are, there is no doubt public opinion has shifted against the actor in a big way. Those who, just a week ago, vociferously supported Smollett, are abandoning or condemning him. Regardless of what happens in the courtroom – and legal experts are not expecting jail time – it’s not yet clear how badly Smollett’s brand has been damaged by this affair.

Time will answer that question, but if they want to have a say in that answer, Smollett’s team needs a steady, authentic narrative… and they need it now. 

About the Author: Brian Gefter is an event entertainment marketer.

Paul Kontonis

Paul is a strategic marketing executive and brand builder that navigates businesses through the ever changing marketing landscape to reach revenue and company M&A targets with 25 years experience. As CMO of Revry, the LGBTQ-first media company, he is a trusted advisor and recognized industry leader who combines his multi-industry experiences in digital media and marketing with proven marketing methodologies that can be transferred to new battles across any industry.

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