Social Media Marketing Quick Tips

Jill Kurtz, Owner, Kurtz Digital StrategyHow do you feel about your social media marketing? Are you feeling on top of it all or way behind? Here’s an overview of what you need to do. Cover these basics and you are in a good position to accomplish your marketing goals on social.

Be on the “Right” Social Channels

The right places to be are the places where your target customer or audience hangs out. There’s no need to be on Pinterest, for example, if the people you want to reach don’t spend any time there.How do you decide? Pew Internet does great research into who is where on a national basis. Their social media research will give you a good sense of where your target audience is likely to be.Do some local fact checking. Ask the people you want to engage with. Where are they on social? How often do they use it? What do they like and not like to see?Bottom line is the right place(s) to be are the platforms that make the most sense based on your industry and audience.

Provide Accurate Profile Information

Once you pick your places to be, you may immediately start thinking about what you will post. That’s not the next step. Completing your profile is the next most important step.Fill out your profile completely. Add images. Complete all the information fields. Not only does this make your profile look more professional and credible, but this step makes your business easier to find.Make sure to revisit your profile regularly to make sure it is still complete and accurate. Business details change. And, all of the social channels add options to the basic profile all the time.Always use all the options to link to your website and other social channels from each profile. The more interconnected you make your online presence, the better.

Post Interesting Content

You need to post content on a regular basis to have any impact on social media. The frequency depends on your type of business and the expectations of the people you want to reach. The content should be a mix of what you want to say and what your audience cares about.All of your content should support your business goals and reflect your subject matter expertise. Write your content in a conversational way. Social media is a social place – write like you would speak in a face-to-face conversation.

Make Connections

You need to be seen to be effective. Follow fellow businesses, brands and prospects.Following others shows that you're an active participant in the social space. Social is all about creating connections and relationships. If you just want to share your latest sales pitch and don’t want to interact, that’s what ads are for.Follow competitors, industry leaders, customers, and prospects, to see how others operate on social media. Most networks offer follower suggestions to get you started and keep your network growing.

Know Who Is Talking About You and Get Involved

Have a way to monitor for mentions of you and your brand. Timeliness is very important, especially when it comes to customer service.Most platforms have a search function. You can also use tools like Hootsuite, Mention and Sprout Social to find mentions.Respond to both positive and negative mentions. It is important to not let inaccurate information go uncorrected. Fans and detractors alike will appreciate knowing you take the time to react to their postings.

Promote your Social Channels

Help people find you on social. The more connections you have, the more impact your efforts there will have.Some places you can hype up your profiles include:

  • Signage in your store
  • Website links
  • Email signature
  • Email newsletter
  • Business cards
  • Paid ads

Paul Kontonis

Paul is a strategic marketing executive and brand builder that navigates businesses through the ever changing marketing landscape to reach revenue and company M&A targets with 25 years experience. As CMO of Revry, the LGBTQ-first media company, he is a trusted advisor and recognized industry leader who combines his multi-industry experiences in digital media and marketing with proven marketing methodologies that can be transferred to new battles across any industry.

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