CommPRO|Industry News

CommPRO keeps the communications, public relations and marketing industries connected, informed and creative.

Marketing Jill Kurtz Marketing Jill Kurtz

Does Your Audience Care?

Here’s a question to ask to keep your digital marketing on track: does my target audience care? Am I talking about what I care about, rather than what they care about? If the former, you need a course correction.

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Marketing Jill Kurtz Marketing Jill Kurtz

Tune Your Brand Voice

As a marketer, you nurture the voice of your brand. Brands with a consistent voice that resonates with the target audience will achieve the most success.

Sadly, the majority of brands don’t have a clear and consistent voice. Messages conflict. Themes are mixed. You lose the audience because they can’t figure you out.

Here are some things to consider as you tune your brand voice to find the right pitch, tone, and volume to be heard.

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Social Media Marketing Jill Kurtz Social Media Marketing Jill Kurtz

Will You Read This?

Wondering if your audience will read your content is a valid concern. Publishing content does not ensure that it will be read, let alone reach new audiences. You can’t expect everyone in your audience to view and share all the content you produce. However, there are things you can do to increase the chances that your content will be seen.

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