The America Derby: How We Pick Leaders is More Like a Horse Race

Thomas J. Madden, Chairman and CEO, Transmedia Group

The contenders in this past America Derby were the favorites, “The Economy” (3 to 2) ridden by Donald Trump and “Pandemic” ridden by Joe Biden (2 to 1).  

Pandemic is the only horse with blinders while besides conventional hat and goggles jockey Biden proudly dons his signature facemask. Many horse race handicappers say if Trump wasn’t such a stubborn jockey, he could easily win if he wore a facemask too and kept distance from fans who made him a heavy favorite.

Other horses in this year’s America Derby were “Systemic Racism” (4 to 1); “Immigration” 10 to 1; “Juris Prudence” (6 to 1); “Supreme Court” (7 to 2); “Healthcare” (6 to 2); “Climate Change” (20 to 1); “Criminal Justice” (5 to 1); “Coronavirus Vaccine” (30 to 1); “Higher Taxes” (20 to 1); “Obama Care” (20 to 1); “Tariff Diplomacy” (20 to 1).


Health Care takes the lead followed by Supreme Court second, Obama Care third.  Then Juris Prudence, Climate Change and Criminal Justice. 

As they turn into the backstretch, coming up fast on the outside is Systemic Racism taking second place, Obama Care drops to third with Healthcare still in front by a furlong as we head into the homestretch.

Now Juris Prudence and Coronavirus Vaccine make their moves racing up to third and fourth place followed by Immigration, Tariff Diplomacy, then Supreme Court, The Economy and Pandemic.

Now heading into the homestretch, picking up speed The Economy moves up to third place with Pandemic a close second as the two are almost neck and neck heading to overtake the leader Healthcare.  

It’s a battle in the stretch with Pandemic and The Economy edging by Healthcare and racing neck and neck. They cross the finish line.

It’s Pandemic by a nose!

The winner is Pandemic, but wait a minute, there’s a flag, an objection so maybe Pandemic is not the winner as one of the judges says there was a foul committed against The Economy.  Something to do with mail-in ballots. Whatever that means.

We’ll have to see what happens after judges watch the film to decide if a foul was indeed committed.

Yes, ladies and gentlemen, the judges have ruled the finish stands.  Pandemic is the winner.  And it’s just as the handicappers called it.  

If there was no Pandemic, The Economy would have won!  


Paul Kontonis

Paul is a strategic marketing executive and brand builder that navigates businesses through the ever changing marketing landscape to reach revenue and company M&A targets with 25 years experience. As CMO of Revry, the LGBTQ-first media company, he is a trusted advisor and recognized industry leader who combines his multi-industry experiences in digital media and marketing with proven marketing methodologies that can be transferred to new battles across any industry.

KayAnn Schoeneman Elevated to Executive Vice President at Curley Company


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