The Key to Unlocking Your Creativity and Productivity

The Key to Unlocking Your Creativity and Productivity CommPRO

The phenomenon of physically capturing one's thoughts has been important for as long as humans have existed. The emergence of art and other ways to document ideas, directly or indirectly, has only grown with time. One of the most pragmatic ways of documenting ideas is through simple note-taking. 

Humans today spend 47% of their time thinking about things they’re not even actively engaged in. People love to wonder and thoughts often go astray. However, the way and type of thoughts that are documented can influence their impact. For example, some thoughts are essential to improving productivity. Writing down and conceptualizing goals is an essential step in achieving them, for instance.

Beyond even what is being documented, the manner in which note-taking is done changes its utility. Paper and pencil note-taking is inefficient but allows for more creativity and flexibility. Meanwhile typing, on a phone or computer, is incredibly quick but also prone to distraction. Vocal transcription to text is a newly popular form of note taking which is incredibly accessible. 

The problem with each of these popular forms of note-taking is that the train of thought can often be lost. It’s one thing to capture a singular concrete idea, but another thing entirely to turn it into a usable concept. AI note-taking offers a solution to this problem, as well as several others. The biggest advantage of AI note-taking is the questions the AI can pose. If an idea is still in its early stages, the AI will try to help clarify and develop the idea. 

This is done, importantly, through conversational questions. AI today has the ability to write entirely new bodies of text, a process that can strip creativity. However, it can also be used to help foster creativity. Asking AI for questions and for help with structure and clarity keeps the human heart of the writing in tack. The second biggest factor causing procrastination is a lack of energy. Using AI to assist in writing with content creator tools is a great way to reduce the amount of active energy required to do so.

It’s a form of note-taking and writing which can start to strip creativity, but that’s why it’s a pragmatic tool. When taking notes throughout the day people often don’t have much time to intensely develop the idea being documented. AI most effectively works to ensure the idea is useful. AI has become a scary thing for many people today, but at its heart it is a tool. It’s how AI is used that determines its role within society. 

Brian Wallace

Brian Wallace is the Founder and President of NowSourcing, an industry leading infographic design agency in Louisville, KY and Cincinnati, OH which works with companies ranging from startups to Fortune 500s. Brian runs #LinkedInLocal events, hosts the Next Action Podcast, and has been named a Google Small Business Adviser for 2016-present.

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