Tune Your Brand Voice

Jill Kurtz, Owner, Kurtz Digital Strategy

As a marketer, you nurture the voice of your brand. Brands with a consistent voice that resonates with the target audience will achieve the most success.

Sadly, the majority of brands don’t have a clear and consistent voice. Messages conflict. Themes are mixed. You lose the audience because they can’t figure you out.

Here are some things to consider as you tune your brand voice to find the right pitch, tone, and volume to be heard.

Define Your Master Message

We’ve all heard the phrase “sing from the same song sheet.” Does your brand have one? A clear, precise statement defining your identity is the foundation for a sustainable voice that will focus all communications. Your master message should create emotional connections, which are more effective than rational arguments.

Know What Makes You Unique

Saying what you offer is unique is cliche. Demonstrating what makes you unique in your marketing is gold!

Do You

Authenticity is critical. No one can connect with cold, corporate speak. Having a personality and a conscience is paramount. People want organizations to have values. Share your highs and lows. Be personable. Support meaningful conversations.

Jill Kurtz

Jill Kurtz is the owner and principal strategist at Kurtz Digital Strategy. She is an expert at digital marketing, social media strategy, strategic communication, and public relations. Prior to launching KDS, Jill served as in-house marketing and public relations expert for General MotorsInternational PaperFairfax County Public Schools, and American Public University System. Her project success stories show the variety of business goals that can be reached with the right online communication and marketing strategy.


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