Video Conferencing - How to Keep Your Company Data Safe with These 3 Tips

By Simon DavisLess commuting stress, reduced travel costs, and flexible work solutions—video conferencing certainly has plenty of perks to make employees and companies happy. The technology is ideal for streamlining business operations, says Beta News and ensures faster information dissemination. But not all video conferencing solutions are a match for your business. Not sure if your own system is unsafe or not? Here are top three tips to help you protect your system from intrusions and information leaks:Video-conferencingGo for a reliable systemDon’t just randomly pluck a video communication system out of thin air. Make sure you pick out a company that’s been in the industry long enough for you to be sure that you’re dealing with a credible and trustworthy organization. You’re not just buying a system. You want to make sure you get reliable after service as well. If you think the company doesn’t provide a consistently good video experience, that could be a minor problem. Make sure you figure out why that is. You can also compare prices and costs to see which package or system is better for your budget and your business. One example of a sound option is encrypted video conferencing from BlueJeans. The company has been an industry leader since 2009. You’ll want to choose widely recognized names in video communication systems when it comes to making a decision. That’s the kind of visibility and credibility you want in a video solutions provider.Choose cloud-based solutionsSoftware applications are going to eat up a lot of your IT resources. By expanding your system with cloud-based solutions, you can save time and money instead of going for standard hard drives and computers, says the BBC news. Plus, drives and computers are more susceptible to information leaks. By keeping your archived data away from these storage types, you’ll have a much better time at keeping your company data safe. Another great thing about cloud-based solutions is that you don’t need to spend a small fortune on upfront costs for the system. This is quite unlike other kinds of communication infrastructure in the past where you had to spend a lot on upfront costs for a communication system and then spend some more on hardware upgrades over the years. With cloud-based video communication, you can avail of plans or storage that suit your needs. As your company grows and your need for storage grows along as well, you can adjust the size of your storage to accommodate the growing needs of your business. So don’t spend money on a system that’s going to severely limit your business. With cloud, you get a system that’s ideally aligned with your company’s growth and expansion.Know the risksGoing for cloud-based solutions offers its own risks. But it also offers the best safety possible since you’re basically hiring a video conferencing company to handle your data and store it someplace safe. Just make sure you ask about encryption technology. Your data must be encrypted in transit and while it is stored on the cloud servers. Want more control over your data? Ask about encryption keys. Some companies can provide you with your own set. You can also give out specific instructions regarding access to your data or applications. So make sure you have a list of authorized personnel who can access the data just in case. Keep in mind to ask about how the data is encrypted. The way your data is encrypted can add or diminish the level of security and protection of your data. Some companies divvy up the data files into chunks, a process often referred to as sharding. After that, the chunks are separated encrypted. Then the chunks go to different places. That’s an added protection right there. So if someone does manage to get into the data, they aren’t going to get full access to the file - only to some parts of it. That will render the data useless, so that hackers won’t be able to use the data for nefarious gains and purposes. And then there are other companies that sends a link to the files. You won’t have to download the data to take a cursory look at the file.These are three essential tips on how you could increase protection for your company data. So while it’s common enough to think of video conferencing in terms of the benefits the system offers, make sure you don’t neglect safety and security in your quest for collaboration-ready and content sharing features. Pay attention to how your system is protected. The last thing you want is for your company data to be compromised. Not only are the security leaks a problem, it also sends out the wrong message to potential customers and clients, to the point that they might think their information might not be safe with your company. Prevent that from happening by following these tips for better system safety and protection.[author]About the Author: Simon Davis has been a full-time business writer since the last 4 years and has had the privilege of attending some of the most renowned business conclaves held across the world. When not on business he loves spending time with his girlfriend and a bit of adventure sports. [/author] 

Paul Kontonis

Paul is a strategic marketing executive and brand builder that navigates businesses through the ever changing marketing landscape to reach revenue and company M&A targets with 25 years experience. As CMO of Revry, the LGBTQ-first media company, he is a trusted advisor and recognized industry leader who combines his multi-industry experiences in digital media and marketing with proven marketing methodologies that can be transferred to new battles across any industry.

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