5 Not-to-Miss Components of the Rutgers Integrated Marketing Communications Mini-MBA
By Christina Murphy, Program Manager, Rutgers Business School Executive EducationHaving worked in B2B marketing for a number of years, I am all too familiar with the laundry list of TO-DOs that communicators are dealt on a daily basis. As a matter of fact, I blame this to-do list as the reason why I never pursued opportunities to further my education beyond my MBA degree.But now that I sit on the other side of the fence as a Program Manager for Rutgers Business School Executive Education, I cannot overstate just how much continued learning aids and augments what we do in our day-to-day as practitioners.The Rutgers Integrated Marketing Communications Mini-MBA program is one such avenue for continued learning, providing strategic and tactical frameworks, best practices, tips, and advice focused on practical applicability to the business environment.Interested in learning more? Here are 5 not-to-miss components of the program:
The Mini-MBA: Integrated Marketing Communications program will run from June 20-24 at The Heldrich in New Brunswick, NJ, and we certainly hope to see you there! Enter promo code commPRO15 when applying & save 15%!
For program curriculum details and to apply, please visit business.rutgers.edu/imc.