Recruitment Software:The List of Offered Solutions

Recruitment Software CommPRO Editorial Staff

Most people are shocked to hear that one of the biggest hurdles of recruiting is the process of finding candidates. Although we live in a technology-driven world and many things have been revolutionized by this connection, the world of recruitment has stagnated for a while. Through the process of recruitment marketing, we are now able to find some of the fittest, interesting, potential-field candidates out there.

There is no denying the crossover between recruiting and marketing. The two are linked to the extent that your customer brand impacts your employer brand and vice versa.

But goodwill and a healthy team dynamic aren't enough to sustain customer marketing or recruiting marketing. The success or failure of both depends, at least in part, on the software infrastructure on which they are based.

That's why your recruitment-marketing team’s interest in recruiting goes beyond the way your team operates together. You will need to start caring more about the recruiting software you use because it affects your brand reputation, your staff, and your overall business.

If nothing else, the interconnected nature of recruiting and marketing means that, with the right arguments, your campaign can be a valuable ally in securing exceptional assets to your existing team.

Finding Candidates Through Recruitment Marketing Software

It’s easy to get lost when stepping into a new world of recruitment opportunities. Thankfully, the solutions on how to find the highest-quality personnel are already written out. Even with helpful websites such as SignalHire, you still have to put in the work if you’re seeking true talent. As presented in the guidelines below, you will notice that often it’s better to let them find you. Let’s take a look at some of the most popular guidelines out there when choosing the right tool.

Being On Social Media

Social media has taken over the world in the last decade. It’s more important than never to have a strong social media presence. In this way, your company’s sales department will reach customers more easily, but the Recruitment and Human Resources area can also show employees an image of openness to dialogue and commitment to new technologies. Another very important aspect regarding marketing techniques for human resources is to make employees become ambassadors of the brand, thus embodying the idea of employer branding.

It is essential to look for talent in social networks, as well as to stay active in those forums where the type of candidates that we need for our organization are found. For example, Facebook Groups are an excellent source to promote your company’s strong ideals and work culture. You would be surprised by the number of people hired through the power of social media.

Use SEO in Your Job Offers

As you are probably aware, SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization. It is a series of implementations to make it easier for the contents of a certain website to be found and appear in the first positions in search engines. It can be applied both for general search engines and for internal search engines of employment portals or corporate social networks.

All of the offers posted by recruiters online will eventually be indexed by search engines such as Google, DuckDuckGo, Yahoo, Bing etc. Having a team that knows how to handle SEO and make sure that your job offer appears to the top will be vital.

Although it can be complicated, the benefits it generates and the competitive edge it brings are not to be underestimated. Companies and their efforts on the Internet should consider an excellent SEO strategy to reduce other types of costs since following these guidelines can generate an effective strategy.

You have to understand the mentality of a candidate when looking for a job. Keyword mastery is a must when designing the perfect ad. The key is to keep the words simple, based on a strategy that is consistent with the company's line of business. In fact, a candidate is likely to search for jobs of interest to them near their geographic position, so geographic terms specific to their industry are more likely to perform better.

Promote Your Current Employees

In the same way, as you would use testimonies to promote your company to potential clients - you can use your actual employees to recommend your business to other potential workers. Thanks to social media and the current standards, the company's employees are now much more helpful in terms of advertising than before. They have become brand ambassadors that can generate more value for other candidates than any other method.

It makes sense that a neutral candidate who initially had no intention of changing jobs will feel much more attracted to your company by listening to or reading the opinion of one of the current employees rather than reading the content of a job offer.

In addition, your employee’s reviews add authenticity to testimonials and give real knowledge about what is the most powerful and positive aspect of the company. Posting this valuable information in the right channels will catch the attention of not only your prospective candidates but also your customers and prospects. Even honest opinions which might have some constructive criticism can prove that although not perfect, the company is striving to offer a great working space.

Gain Access to Analytics

Although every marketing team out there knows about this, you might be surprised to hear about the importance of analytics. How can you know if you are heading in the right direction without actual proof? This is where statistics come into place, to reveal where you should be doubling down and what areas to abandon as soon as possible. There is plenty of software that will keep track of your campaigns. The best recruitment marketing software out there should give you insight into some of the most intricate aspects of your endeavours.

Have an Easy-to-Use Application Form

After ensuring that all of the other fields have been optimized and completely express your company’s views and values, the last part which needs to be taken into account with your recruitment marketing software choice has a user-friendly application form. A high percentage of potential candidates abandon job listing thanks to this single factor.

Forms should allow you to know a few details about the candidates and have them upload their CVs. Keeping it simple yet informative will allow you to determine the best candidates without burdening them and taking up precious time. Simplicity also comes a long way when we take into account the filtering possibilities. Now you can ensure that you find the right candidate using simple filters that will keep your priorities number one on the list.


Marketing and Human Resources need each other and even complement each other. Therefore, they must come together for a common strategy that integrates and reconciles the interests of both areas, working in a coordinated manner much more effectively than if they do it separately.

Recruitment Marketing has played a big role in the development of millions of companies across the globe, and it continues to bring a huge difference rather than traditional methods. Choosing the important tools to enhance your company’s success by amassing creative talent is a must in today’s day and age.

Paul Kontonis

Paul is a strategic marketing executive and brand builder that navigates businesses through the ever changing marketing landscape to reach revenue and company M&A targets with 25 years experience. As CMO of Revry, the LGBTQ-first media company, he is a trusted advisor and recognized industry leader who combines his multi-industry experiences in digital media and marketing with proven marketing methodologies that can be transferred to new battles across any industry.

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