Not Content with Your Content? PR Can Help

Dian Griesel - featuredBy Dian Griesel, President, Dian Griesel InternationalThese days, it’s easy for a company or brand with years of experience to get swept up in the veritable deluge of constant digital content. It’s not enough for a company to merely have a Facebook page or Twitter handle — these social media outlets need to be used constantly to be effective. But simply creating content for content’s sake isn’t effective either. Companies have to determine what kind of content is appropriate for their brand and how best to interact with their unique audiences.Post-Advertising, a blog dedicated to writing about ways companies can optimize their brands, put together a list of types of content that audiences really want from your company’s online presence:1. Behind-the-scenes content. Many of your consumers will be satisfied with simply purchasing and using or wearing your product. But true fans will want to interact with your brand on a deeper level. For example, if your company is in the midst of a redesign, you can share with them a sneak peek of your new logo. This makes your most loyal consumers feel a certain kinship with your brand.2. Shareable content. People are always looking for information—whether it’s in the form of videos, images or text—to share on their own social media pages. Formatting your news releases in a relatable and newsworthy way—perhaps accompanied by a video or images—can increase the chances that your fans will share with their entire social media networks. Make sure your content is actually worth sharing, though.3. Exclusive content. People will likely only subscribe to your social media feeds if they can get content that isn’t accessible anywhere else. Don’t just post your commercials on YouTube or put links to your products on Facebook and Twitter, since there’s no value in that. Consider releasing content only on a specific channel. This can be anything from video blogs to sneak previews to coupons to opportunities for pre-sale.4. Participatory content. Social media users are always up for a good game or contest. Take that well-known potato chip company, for example. The brand frequently runs contests where people can suggest new flavors and then vote on the flavors they like the most. And since they actually do choose an “average Joe” to win each time, it gives the rest of their fans hope that they can win the next round. Giving your fans a way to participate—especially if prizes and recognition are involved— ensures a more personal connection to your brand.Offering creative content is a great way to inspire your current consumers to stay loyal and also to attract new ones. But creating the appropriate kind of content for your company can take time and effort that you simply may not have. You might want to consider taking advantage of the skills and resources of a professional public relations team to really punch up your company’s online presence.Creating interactive, exclusive and shareable content can help dissolve some mystery and remind your consumers that living, breathing people are behind their favorite brands.[author]About the Author: Dian Griesel is a strategic visibility expert, an author of several business books on corporate communications and the president of Dian Griesel International, a public relations firm that delivers traditional, digital and social media visibility for greater engagement with desired audiences.[/author]

Paul Kontonis

Paul is a strategic marketing executive and brand builder that navigates businesses through the ever changing marketing landscape to reach revenue and company M&A targets with 25 years experience. As CMO of Revry, the LGBTQ-first media company, he is a trusted advisor and recognized industry leader who combines his multi-industry experiences in digital media and marketing with proven marketing methodologies that can be transferred to new battles across any industry.

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