#1 MOST-READ REPORT in 2017: Triple Your PR Power! How to choose a media intelligence firm? (and other useful tools)

Invariably, public relations and communications are fields that require many disciplines in order to be effective. Over the past few years we’ve developed several white-papers to assist the professional in many ways. We’ve written on how to select a media monitoring and measurement services, which key metrics to measure when evaluating your PR campaigns, and even provided a  recipe for starting a PR measurement program within your own organization.Over the same time frame we have seen so many changes and advancements in the public relations industry, that we are now on our second and third editions of these white papers. With that in mind, we wanted to bring all three of these popular PR resources together in one place under the CommPRO banner. Here you will find our updated white-papers, checklists, and inside questions you can use to get better results and work more efficiently.As a CommPRO recipient you can register to download all of our updated resources for PR professionals. At a time when nothing is clear, whether it is fake news or alternative facts, we hope our thoughtful approach to media intelligence is helpful. Simply click through to select any or all of our current whitepapers. If you need help related to any of our topics, please let us know. Delivering honest and direct answers is a core value of Universal Information Services, even if the answer is you might be best served by a different vendor. We would rather help you than fail in our mission of surpassing expectations.

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Paul Kontonis

Paul is a strategic marketing executive and brand builder that navigates businesses through the ever changing marketing landscape to reach revenue and company M&A targets with 25 years experience. As CMO of Revry, the LGBTQ-first media company, he is a trusted advisor and recognized industry leader who combines his multi-industry experiences in digital media and marketing with proven marketing methodologies that can be transferred to new battles across any industry.


#1 MOST-VIEWED EVENT in 2017: The Death of Trust: Real News, “FAKE NEWS,” and the Cyber Plots Designed to Divide Us


#4 MOST-READ REPORT in 2017: 5 Key Public Relations Metrics (Download)