Mastering Press Release Outreach (A Reminder)

Mastering Press Release Outreach (A Reminder) Notified CommPRO

To make the most of a distributed press release, seasoned PR professionals know to be strategic to ensure your news cuts through the noise and captures journalists' attention. Compiled from the best practices of veteran communicators, here are ten easy reminders  for experienced PR pros who might be a tad too "seasoned" to remember everything.

Use Data to Understand Your Audience

Before hitting send, take the time to research the journalists you are pitching to. Understand their beat, interests, and most recent work. Do they focus on features? Roundup stories? Profiles? A personalized pitch demonstrates that you’ve done your homework and respect their expertise. And remember, we’re pitching to people, not just inboxes!

Craft a Compelling Subject Line

Your subject line is the first impression and can make or break your pitch. Keep it concise and compelling, summarizing the essence of your news in a way that piques curiosity. Avoid clickbait tactics and focus on clarity. Because nobody likes a misleading email—least of all a journalist.

✅ Provide a Brief Summary

Journalists are inundated with pitches. Include a brief overview of the press release's key points at the top of your email. This allows journalists to quickly grasp the news' relevance and decide if they want to read further. Think of it as the elevator pitch for your press release.

✅ Offer Exclusives

Offering a journalist an exclusive angle or access to the story can significantly increase the chances of coverage. This not only makes them feel valued but also fosters trust and long-term relationships. Plus, everyone loves feeling special, right?

✅ Avoid Attachments

Attachments can trigger spam filters and deter journalists from opening your email. Instead, include multimedia in your press releases to easily provide access to high-resolution images, data, and other relevant materials. This approach keeps your email clean and easy to navigate, and your press release as a helpful source. Nobody wants to wade through digital clutter, after all.

✅ Stay Away from Sales Pitches

A press release should be informative and newsworthy, not promotional. Focus on the story's relevance and its potential impact rather than turning it into an advertisement. This enhances the credibility of your pitch. Keep it relatable to the public.

✅ Personalize Your Pitch

Generic emails are easy to spot and often ignored. Address the journalist by name, reference their previous work, and explain why your news is relevant to their audience. This personal touch can make a significant difference. Because who doesn’t like a little personal attention?

✅ Time Your Pitch Based on Data

Journalists work on tight deadlines. Give them enough lead time to consider, research, and respond to your pitch. Avoid sending pitches last minute, as this often results in missed opportunities. Review their most recent articles and their publication’s Editorial Calendar(s) to understand ideal timing.  In other words, don’t be that person who shows up late to the party.

✅ Be Ready with Resources

Make sure you have all necessary resources ready before sending out your press release. This includes high-quality images, additional data, and availability for interviews. This preparedness ensures that you can provide journalists with everything they need promptly since nobody likes a scramble to find that last-minute detail.

✅ Build Relationships

Beyond individual pitches, focus on building long-term relationships with journalists. Engage with them on social media, comment on their articles, and be a reliable source of information. This ongoing engagement helps establish trust and increases the likelihood of future coverage. And hey, it’s always good to have friends in high places.

By implementing these best practices, you’ll ensure that your press releases not only reach journalists but also resonate, are a trusted and comprehensive source of information, and result in meaningful coverage. 

Download the free eBooks, “How to Be More Strategic with Your Press Releases“ and "How to Improve Your Media Outreach" available from Notified.

Adam Christensen

Adam Christensen is the Chief Marketing Officer at Notified, which is dedicated to enabling the world's corporate storytellers - PR and IR Pros - with the most innovative technology and expertise to be in control of their narrative. Beginning as a PR professional in NYC more than two decades ago, Adam has led communications and marketing teams at some of the world's most innovative technology companies, including PayPal, IBM, Ingram Micro, AppDirect and Juniper Networks. When not on a plane, Adam lives in Southern California with his wife, five children, large dog and two cats.

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