CommPRO|Industry News

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Blockchain Brian Wallace Blockchain Brian Wallace

3 Ways Blockchain Has Improved Our Lifestyle

Given its inherent capabilities for immutable, transparent, decentralized, and extremely efficient ways of recording and exchanging data and transactions, blockchain is fundamentally altering practically every business. This has major implications for businesses, including managing the global supply chain, executing interbank transactions, and even purchasing and the sale of the property.

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Corporate Insights CommPRO Editorial Corporate Insights CommPRO Editorial

Marian Salzman on 'The New MegaTrends'

For most of us, our experiences at the start of the COVID-19 pandemic fit into one of several slots: For healthcare workers, those early weeks and months featured seemingly endless days and nights of soul-wearying labor, heartbreak, sacrifice, and vulnerability. For essential retail, transport, and factory and warehouse workers, it was a time of measuring the value of a paycheck and job security versus childcare needs and the heightened risk of contagion. And for millions of others—especially those with young children at home—it was long hours to be filled as best one could. Suddenly, our newsfeeds were brimming with images of freshly baked sourdough bread, backyard tomato plants, drive-by birthday celebrations, and completed jigsaw puzzles. After years of disparate media diets, viewers came together around daily pandemic briefings and series such as The Last Dance and Tiger King.

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