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Company Culture, Corporate Insights CommPRO Editorial Company Culture, Corporate Insights CommPRO Editorial

How Company Culture Impacts Your Bottom Line

A positive company culture is something that not only brings the community of employees together as a group but has a measurable impact on the organization's revenue and profits. A company’s culture is a unique identifier (like a fingerprint) in that it may be like others, but is uniquely distinct to your business, and the people who work there and nurture the working environment.

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Corporate Insights CommPRO Editorial Corporate Insights CommPRO Editorial

It Can Happen Here

I am a child of “The Great Society,” President Lyndon Johnson’s call to use the country’s post–World War II prosperity to “enrich and elevate our national life.” With an overwhelming majority in Congress, he was able to sign into law 84 pieces of legislation, including the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the antipoverty Economic Opportunity Act of 1964, the Food Stamp Act, the establishment of Head Start, and The Higher Education Act of 1965, which, among other things, provided low-interest loans to students.

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Corporate Insights Tom Madden Corporate Insights Tom Madden

Could Critical Race Theory Reduce Racial Violence? (OP-ED)

The mass shooting in Buffalo, NY has me wondering if teaching critical race theory in classrooms might help prevent such horrifying racial violence.

Had this incensed 18-year-old Buffalo mass murderer known about our nation’s history of first enslaving, then subjugating African Americans and all the inequities they’ve had to contend with, would he have been so bent on killing blacks?   

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Corporate Insights CommPRO Editorial Corporate Insights CommPRO Editorial

Global Virus Network (GVN) Announces Seven Distinguished International Appointments to Board of Directors 

The Global Virus Network (GVN), a coalition of the world’s leading medical virology research centers working together to prevent illness and death from viral disease, today announced the election of seven distinguished global leaders to its Board of Directors. The announcement was made today by Robert Gallo, MD, Co-founder of the GVN & Chair of the GVN’s Scientific Leadership Board and the Homer & Martha Gudelsky Distinguished Professor in Medicine, Co-founder and Director of the Institute of Human Virology at the University of Maryland School of Medicine, a GVN Center of Excellence, and by Christian Bréchot, MD, PhD, President of the GVN, Associate Vice President for International Partnerships and Innovation at University of South Florida (USF), and Professor, Division of Infectious Disease, Department of Internal Medicine at the USF Health Morsani College of Medicine, the GVN Southeast U.S. Regional Headquarters.

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Corporate Insights Ken Rogers Corporate Insights Ken Rogers

How to Fix Routine Disruption Caused by Working from Home

Each of us has faced routine tasks while working from home. Even the most interesting work can one day get bored and stop bringing joy. There may be several reasons for this, but the most popular is routine when tasks are similar to each other. They accumulate and turn into a routine, absorbing all working time. Often at this moment, a person stops seeing opportunities and makes impulsive decisions that regret. To get out of this situation without loss and avoid problems, you should heed the advice of experts.

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Corporate Insights CommPRO Editorial Corporate Insights CommPRO Editorial

The Handmaid’s Tale

We are an over-polled society, a fact which subsequently influences politicians to prefer to follow rather than lead. Yet, how is it possible that up until U.S. Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito’s draft in Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization leaked, only 20% of Americans thought Roe v. Wade was in danger of being overturned? It is like looking at a Monopoly game board and not recognizing that it is a square.

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Corporate Insights Richard Levick Corporate Insights Richard Levick

The Scarlet Letter

The problem with infidelity is not so much the act but the loss of trust.

The leak of Justice Samuel Alito’s first draft of Dobbs v. Jackson Health Organization is an act of unfaithfulness to the U.S. Supreme Court’s historic norms and is one more destructive blow to a country based on a voluntary experiment known as democracy.

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Corporate Insights CommPRO Editorial Corporate Insights CommPRO Editorial

Marian Salzman on 'The New MegaTrends'

For most of us, our experiences at the start of the COVID-19 pandemic fit into one of several slots: For healthcare workers, those early weeks and months featured seemingly endless days and nights of soul-wearying labor, heartbreak, sacrifice, and vulnerability. For essential retail, transport, and factory and warehouse workers, it was a time of measuring the value of a paycheck and job security versus childcare needs and the heightened risk of contagion. And for millions of others—especially those with young children at home—it was long hours to be filled as best one could. Suddenly, our newsfeeds were brimming with images of freshly baked sourdough bread, backyard tomato plants, drive-by birthday celebrations, and completed jigsaw puzzles. After years of disparate media diets, viewers came together around daily pandemic briefings and series such as The Last Dance and Tiger King.

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Corporate Insights Richard Levick Corporate Insights Richard Levick

Managing Through An Angry Marketplace

After being falsely blamed for King Henry VIII’s break with the Catholic Church and of infidelity, incest and seduction by witchcraft, Queen Anne Boleyn was beheaded. It was, of course, powerful gaslighting, gleefully engaged in not just by the King, but by the insiders of the Royal Court. Sensing her weakness, they piled on and, among other things, referred to the Queen as “the concubine.” The King had eyes for Jane Seymore.

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Corporate Insights Richard Levick Corporate Insights Richard Levick

Win By Any Means Necessary

What’s enough? When are we satisfied? The brilliance of capitalism is that it keeps us motivated—ever creating, ever expanding. Its fatal flaw is that, for many of us, we are never satisfied. There is always more. Just one more thing to make us fulfilled and happy. We even need to hire therapists to confirm that we are content with being content.

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Agency New Business Checklist: Five Questions to Ask Yourself to Win More Often 

There are five primary questions communications agencies should ask themselves to improve their new business win ratio. 

The primary and secondary questions outlined here draw on our collective experience from 80,000 agency searches on CommunicationsMatch™, dozens of agency search consulting engagements, research, and leadership roles in companies and agencies. 

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Corporate Insights Ken Rogers Corporate Insights Ken Rogers

How to Expand Hiring in a New Business

In the race for good employees, fledgling startups and new companies compete against larger companies armed with an army of HR and recruiters, powerful branding strategies in the labor market, and unlimited budgets. There is no doubt that there are still ways to develop the competitive advantages of a new company and use them to convince candidates to work with you. Here are some tips to help you improve your hiring skills:

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Corporate Insights Richard Levick Corporate Insights Richard Levick

The Lusitania Sinks Again

As Clint Eastwood said, “Tomorrow is promised to no one.” The world is anything but static. Perhaps we should eliminate our generational demarcations—Z, Millennials, X, Baby Boomers—and just refer to us all as the “Whiplash Generation.”

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Corporate Insights Tom Madden Corporate Insights Tom Madden

Elon Musk Is Bent on Giving Billionaires a Bad Name!

Winding its way around Hollywood production circles is a TV Series called Xtra Terresla™ whose main character is modelled after Tesla titan, Elon Musk.  

As creator of the series, I made Musk the hero, but lately, I’m wondering maybe I should change him to the arch villain, based on how rough Musk plays in the real world, which he seems to want to control with his immense wealth.

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