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Editorial, Social Media Simon Erskine Locke Editorial, Social Media Simon Erskine Locke

The Orwellian Impact of Recent Court Rulings on Social Media Outreach, Affirmative Action And LGTBQ+ Rights

The far-reaching injunction against government departments and individuals against engaging with social media companies around disinformation, while providing free rein to individuals (and bots and foreign governments) to spread falsehoods, is in fact a looking-glass-world version of “1984” – completely at odds with George Orwell’s writings.

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The Failed Twitter Stunt of Ron DeSantis Was An ‘Inside Baseball’ Error

Cable news political broadcasters are arguably the primary user of “inside baseball,” terminology, the most recent major example being on May 24, when an overload of twitter users made the site crash, derailing Gov. Ron DeSantis’s announcement that he was officially running for president.

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