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Public Relations Arthur Solomon Public Relations Arthur Solomon

The Most Powerful Government in The World (With My Tom Brady-like ‘Maybe, Maybe Not, Then Again’ Pronouncement)

This is a good news, bad news, probably essay.  The bad news for some readers is that it’s another column about the International Olympic Committee and the Beijing Olympics. The good news for many readers is that it’s the last column I’ll be writing about these recently concluded Beijing Olympic Games (I’m pretty sure, i.e. probably). But as Tom Brady once said when he was asked about his retirement: "I think that's the best way to put it and I don't think anything, you know, you never say never. At the same time I know that I'm very, I feel very good about my decision. I don't know how I'll feel six months from now.”  I probably couldn’t have said it better about my today feelings, but wish I could.

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