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Corporate Insights CommPRO Editorial Corporate Insights CommPRO Editorial

The Genius of Imagination in the Age of AI

I use my mind to bring together the essence of my personality, experiences, and senses. Our mind is the most fantastic tool to harness creativity. Other creators use similar methods. Regardless of what we use to create, our imagination allows us to envision and bring things into existence. Our mind is a powerful tool that can be used for good or evil. What we do with this power will decide how far we can go.

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The Next Big Tech Boom Is Already Here

Throughout modern history, each era has featured a tech boom in one way or another. Whether the rise of television through the 1950s and 1960s or the introduction of the internet and cell phones through the 1990s and 2000s, breakthroughs in technology have touched every generation, benefitting both businesses and consumers in the process.

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Corporate Insights Wendy Glavin Corporate Insights Wendy Glavin

Nixon Insider, John Dean Uses Social Science to Chronicle the Actions of Trump and His Followers

Author’s note: This article reflects my interview with John Dean about his and Bob Altemeyer’s book, Authoritarian Nightmare: Trump and His Followers prior to the 2020 Presidential Election. John provides a deep analysis, particularly timely during the January 6th Select Committee Hearings. This article was originally published in 2020, prior to the Presidential Election.

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Corporate Insights CommPRO Editorial Corporate Insights CommPRO Editorial

Unbought and Unbossed

“I want to be remembered as a woman…who dared to be a catalyst of change.”– Shirley Chisholm

The first presidential campaign I remember was 1968 when Vice President Hubert Humphrey ran. He suffered from a very late start—too late to participate in the Democratic primaries—due to President Lyndon Johnson’s shocking March 31 announcement that, “I shall not seek, and I will not accept, the nomination of my party for another term as your president.” From the start, Humphrey would have had to pull off a near miracle just to be nominated.

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Corporate Insights CommPRO Editorial Corporate Insights CommPRO Editorial

The (Six) Biggest Waves in Employee Engagement—And How to Ride Them

What does purpose, management, empathy, content, inclusion and burnout have in common? As it happens, they are what most conversations, coverage and case studies related to employee engagement and experience are focused on these days. We spent some time on these six topics to observe what’s changing and why, what it means for the future and how we can make the most of it in the present. Our findings were summarized in Red Havas’ newest white paper, The (Six) Biggest Waves in Employee Engagement — and How to Ride Them. 

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Corporate Insights CommPRO Editorial Corporate Insights CommPRO Editorial

"You Cannot Cry All the Time"

“Why so much grief for me? No man will hurl me down to Death, against my fate.And fate? No one alive has ever escaped it, neither brave man nor coward,I tell you – it’s born with us the day that we are born.”– Homer, The Iliad

This is the story of three journeys—two remarkable women on very different paths and the one we are all taking together.

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Corporate Insights CommPRO Editorial Corporate Insights CommPRO Editorial

A Star Chamber? Is the 14th Amendment Next?

What makes great societies and religions so strikingly powerful is the slowness with which they change. We may not agree with everything they stand for but we know they are built upon a foundation of beliefs and principles. Solid stone. They do occasionally metamorphosize but usually stop short of revolution and give us time to catch our collective breath.

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Corporate Insights Richard Levick Corporate Insights Richard Levick

Richard Levick - All The King's Men...

When there is a lack of honor in government,the morals of the whole people are poisoned.”– Herbert Hoover

In honor of Independence Day and our 500th podcast we dedicate it to the memory of James Chaney, Andrew Goodman and Michael Schwerner, the three Freedom Summer organizers murdered, June 1964.

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Corporate Insights, Leadership & Careers CommPRO Editorial Corporate Insights, Leadership & Careers CommPRO Editorial

Great Resignation Underscores Importance of Employee Engagement and Well-being

Two years after the outbreak of the global pandemic, some organizational leaders are looking forward to going ‘back to the way things used to be’ before COVID-19, while others are realizing that it is essential to dive a little deeper into its learnings to continue to build a culture of inclusion, well-being, and care. The reason we should all be in the latter group is burnout—and our ability to reduce or prevent it within our organizations by continuing to connect with employees actively and authentically.

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Corporate Insights CommPRO Editorial Corporate Insights CommPRO Editorial

My Old Man

“My father used to play with my brother and me in the yard. Mother would come out and say, ‘You’re tearing up the grass.’ ‘We’re not raising grass,’ Dad would reply. ‘We’re raising boys’.”– Harmon Killebrew

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Corporate Insights CommPRO Editorial Corporate Insights CommPRO Editorial

5 Ways to Improve Engagement Through Empathy

This has been an intense and eye opening two years for all of us (to say the least!). Collectively we’ve experienced a concentrated and ceaseless amount of heaviness. Adjusting to this new hybrid world at work while digesting everything else around us has definitely taken a toll on our collective mental wellbeing. According to the Kaiser Family Foundation, more than 30% of American adults have reported symptoms of anxiety or depression recently, up from around 10% before the pandemic. Adapting to a more permanent, new way of living and processing all that has happened is also skyrocketing stress levels across the board. Staying focused –let alone motivated – is an added challenge. Modern managers now have an opportunity and a responsibility to encourage and actively support empathy at work. Leading with empathy not only improves employee engagement, but also supports a much wider and very important cultural shift towards destigmatizing mental health issues, encouraging more authenticity in the workplace. Here’s how managers can start actively engaging empathy to empower their teams and drive change.

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Corporate Insights Ken Rogers Corporate Insights Ken Rogers

Five Tips For Women To Thrive In Business

The times when only men were engaged in business are long gone. Now, both sexes are in an equal position. Of course, some women want to work only for hire. Despite that, a huge number of ladies try to fulfill themselves, build a career, and be independent of a man so that they can rely not only on their spouse in later life but also on themselves. Let's look at the five top tips for women to succeed in business.

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Pride Marketing Reaching New Heights With McDonald's USA and Revry

In recent years, brands have realized the importance of the LGBTQ+ consumer to their business as they represent nearly $1 trillion in the U.S. alone. With Pride 2022 anticipated to be bigger and better than ever, it's no surprise to brand powerhouse McDonald’s USA turning to the only LGBTQ-first streaming media company, Revry, as a trusted and authentic partner for a second year of pride campaigns.

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