CommPRO|Industry News

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Internal Communications Amira Barger Internal Communications Amira Barger

How to Challenge Glass Cliffs and Codify Your Archetype

Having women in top leadership roles is more important than ever. Women occupy more than half of management roles and are most often the leaders supporting well-being of employees through diversity, equity & inclusion. Yet, we are passed over for c-suite roles and find difficulty in being supported by networks that shift our trajectories towards c-suite placement AND c-suite success – “and” being the operative word. This is particularly true in the world of public relations where near80% of CEO positions are occupied by men.

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Internal Communications CommPRO Editorial Internal Communications CommPRO Editorial

How to Showcase Your Employee Stories on Social Media

In today’s world, it’s increasingly important for your organization to spotlight its culture on social media. Whether this means interacting with customers, clients and the general public on Twitter or showcasing work life at your company via LinkedIn, all social media platforms provide different ways for you to show the wider world — including potential talent — what your organization is all about. Ahead of Ragan’s Future of Communications Conference this November, Coffee shared some of her thoughts on how best to tell employee stories through social.

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Internal Communications CommPRO Editorial Internal Communications CommPRO Editorial

The Future of Communications Conference

Join your peers during Ragan’s Communications Week on November 1-2 for a must-attend conference to help you refine and align your strategies with the future of communications, hone your business acumen to position yourself as a future leader and better understand the tools and technology that will get you there. Industry experts will teach you the skills needed to meet the next horizon of employee communications, social purpose and DE&I, leadership communications, technology and more.This conference will feature real-world tips and tactics from leading communicators. Our speakers will share how they effectively measure and report to reflect the needs of emerging audiences, refine media relations strategies to build stronger relationships amid changing newsroom trends, integrate emerging tools and features on social media to earn more engagement with audiences, foster stronger agency-client relationships and more.

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Internal Communications CommPRO Editorial Internal Communications CommPRO Editorial

Edelman’s Amira Barger on Why it’s Not Best to ‘Fake it Till You Make it’ as a Communications Pro

The “fake it till you make it” strategy — where you pretend to know something until you’ve reached the point where you actually do — doesn’t serve communicators well in the long run. Learning new skills and gaining experience takes time, and if you fake your way through your career, you’re likely to waste a lot of that time.

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Internal Communications CommPRO Editorial Internal Communications CommPRO Editorial

Audible’s Supriya Mimani on the Who, What and Why of Strategic Comms

Did you know that a DE&I-focused talent program can transform company culture and affect how organizations think about the employee experience? Audible did just that with its “Next Chapter” Returnship Program which not only changed how it addressed hiring culture but helped set a new industry standard by helping communities in need with new pathways for employee engagement.

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Internal Communications CommPRO Editorial Internal Communications CommPRO Editorial

3 Tips for Personalizing Your Comms to Meet Employees Where They Are

With all the changes to workplace situations stemming from the COVID-19 pandemic, it’s important that managers are equipped with the mindfulness and soft skills required to stay in touch with their employees. While apps like Zoom and Slack allow you to now virtually congregate with your teams and move business forward even when you aren’t physically together, behind each computer screen is a work arrangement that can vary greatly from employee to employee.

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Internal Communications CommPRO Editorial Internal Communications CommPRO Editorial

Walgreens’ Jordyn Holliday on His Career and Navigating Imposter Syndrome (VIDEO)

Ragan Communications partnered with D S Simon Media to produce “NextUP,” a new video series that asks rising communications stars to forecast the future of comms in their own words. These conversations will lead up to  Ragan’s Communications Week on Nov 1. and our Future of Communications Conference.

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Internal Communications CommPRO Editorial Internal Communications CommPRO Editorial

Life-changing Comms Can Be More Than Thoughts and Prayers

Each day brings about newly consequential, societal change. News coverage regularly reports on an increase in anti-LGBTQ violence, mass demonstrations following police killings of people of color and state bans on reproductive rights. Consequently, companies can no longer remain on the sidelines and simply focus on maximizing their profits.

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