CommPRO|Industry News

CommPRO keeps the communications, public relations and marketing industries connected, informed and creative.

From Hidden to Holistic: B2B Communications Come of Age

It’s true. I once gave a lecture at my alma mater titled “B2B: The Hidden World of Public Relations.” At that time business-to-business communications was, indeed, hidden away — invisible to the average consumer. Practical and transactional in tone and purpose, these comms were tucked away and separate from the other internal and external communications streams. 

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Tips for Building Your First Tech Stack

For software companies first starting out, it’s difficult to get far without a fine-tuned tech stack — a strategic combination of tech tools that work together to power your platform and inform your developers. The tools within a tech stack can include programming languages, frameworks, libraries, servers, UI/UX solutions, sales and marketing SaaS tools and many others. Each one plays a vital role in developing your software and keeping the business running smoothly.

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Comms Tech, Public Relations Aaron Kwittken Comms Tech, Public Relations Aaron Kwittken

Data’s Role in Building Better Media Campaigns

Advanced communications technologies are growing increasingly popular in similar sectors, like marketing and advertising, but has not yet impacted the public relations industry in any substantial way. Many PR professionals see augmented intelligence (A.I.) and automation as a threat to their jobs and a hindrance to the creativity that makes their work unique and gratifying, despite its growth across other industries.

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