CommPRO|Industry News

CommPRO keeps the communications, public relations and marketing industries connected, informed and creative.

Gold’s Relationship with Modern Inflation

When it comes to investments in the United States, a plethora of options open up to any willing consumer. From the safest savings account to the most risky stock option, there’s no shortage of options for those trying to make money using money. Although in recent years few have managed to stay as consistently safe and to rise in value as well as gold has.

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Marketing Dr. David Hagenbuch Marketing Dr. David Hagenbuch

Should Anyone Advertise Alcohol?

Drive slower, pay taxes, vote — While we expect governments to tell us to do those things, we wouldn’t imagine they’d urge more alcohol intake, yet that’s exactly what one of the world’s leading nations is doing.  Why a country would encourage sipping more sake is an interesting question, but it begs a much bigger one:  Is it possible to promote alcohol responsibly?

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How To Reduce Screen Time for Employees

Technological advancement has connected us with multiple digital devices that make our work efficient but increase our screen time simultaneously. Whether you work remotely, or in the office, you have to sit in front of your computer for 7 to 8 hours straight. Spending most of your time on mobile phones or computer screens causes mental and physical fatigue. In 2017, a study reported that 31.7 million people were using their mobile phones actively in Canada. Similarly, 33 million active mobile phone users were recorded in 2019. 

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Marketing Brian Wallace Marketing Brian Wallace

Back to School? Back to the Gym

The summer is nearly drawing to a close and getting back to school is once again upon us. Getting in shape doesn't always have to mean trekking to the gym for dozens of enormous machines. Although a gym offers a machine for any muscle you want to train, most people can get fit with only a few pieces of small, inexpensive equipment. 

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Public Relations CommPRO Editorial Public Relations CommPRO Editorial

Reinvigorating Democracy Event

on Wednesday, Sept. 14th. This free event will include an alumni & student networking reception.The Society of Presidential Pollsters identify & obtain records of the polling for the Oval Office. With the help of the libraries at GW, it preserves questionnaires, letters, & memorabilia in order to establish an academic resource for the study of presidential decision-making.

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Investor Relations, Investors CommPRO Editorial Investor Relations, Investors CommPRO Editorial

When and How to Diversify Your Investment Portfolio

The number of people currently interested in investing has gone through the roof. The rise of cryptocurrencies such as bitcoin has created a fandom like no other. The COVID-19 lockdown certainly helped the investment market as people were forced to do their own research and realize that this could actually be a very smart way to increase their overall value in the future. When the stock market is booming, there is no better feeling, and it is almost impossible to even consider selling any stock you have as you don’t know when its rise will stop. However, if you want to be a smart investor and ensure that you are continuously making money from your investments, you should consider diversifying your portfolio. Read on to find out when and how to diversify your investment portfolio. 

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Internal Communications CommPRO Editorial Internal Communications CommPRO Editorial

How to Help Managers Communicate During a Recession

Are we in a recession?

Already companies ranging from 7-Eleven and Walmart to Netflix and JPMorgan are letting employees go. Even if you’re not losing your job, you’re seeing those pandemic-induced pay hikes eaten up by inflation. Whether we’re in a recession or not, many employees are anxious about their livelihood, which is tied to the company.

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Comms Tech Liz Finch Comms Tech Liz Finch

Closing the Gaps in Comms Tech 

For generations, technology has shaped and revolutionized every industry imaginable, with each new era bringing greater changes than the last. The communications field is perhaps one of the greatest examples of this trend, as we’ve seen comms tech become deeply integrated into the day-to-day workflow of communications professionals across the globe.

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Marketing Mike Paffmann Marketing Mike Paffmann

Overlooked Strategies for Improving Conversion Rates

There are some aspects of psychology in the marketing industry that have proven to be effective at converting potential customers, or at the very least, encouraging them to take the next step in their buying journey. One of those aspects that tend to be quite overlooked is specific words, also known as power words. The companies can use power words in their marketing efforts that are quite effective at generating more loyal customers for businesses and improving conversion rates.

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Marketing Frank Hamilton Marketing Frank Hamilton

Green Marketing: Advantages, Ideas, Examples And Best Practices

Many people have heard of the term “green marketing” but not everyone fully understands what it refers to and why it has become so important in our day and age. When climate change is on everyone’s mind and sustainability is trendy, green marketing is actively being used by brands all over the world to appeal to their customers. Here’s everything you need to know about green marketing.

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