CommPRO|Industry News

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Crisis Communications, Thought Leadership Helio Fred Garcia Crisis Communications, Thought Leadership Helio Fred Garcia

Leadership Lessons from the Pandemic on In-Person Rallies

Today we begin a new weekly column by crisis management expert and professor of leadership and communication Helio Fred Garcia. The column will excerpt passages from his new book on the failed U.S. response to COVID-19 and lessons for leaders: The Trump Contagion: How Incompetence, Dishonesty, and Neglect Led to the Worst-Handled Crisis in American History.

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How Communicators Can Take Proactive Steps to Counter Misinformation and Manage Their Reputation

Amidst this dynamic environment, empowers communicators to regain control of their reputation, swiftly respond to misinformation, share their stories free from interference, and stay informed about topics of interest.

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