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How to Help Managers Communicate During a Recession

Are we in a recession?

Already companies ranging from 7-Eleven and Walmart to Netflix and JPMorgan are letting employees go. Even if you’re not losing your job, you’re seeing those pandemic-induced pay hikes eaten up by inflation. Whether we’re in a recession or not, many employees are anxious about their livelihood, which is tied to the company.

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How to Write a Bio That Stands Out

Once upon a time, it was enough to have an e-mail address. Then, you needed a social media handle. Now that most of us have gone multi-platform, our profiles are silently screaming to be noticed amidst all of the other thought leaders, artists, influencers, and career professionals out there. Creating a bio for billions to see can seem overwhelming, but a well-crafted, strong bio can tell an amazing story for everyone who reads it.

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Internal Communicators are the New Influencers

Did you know internal communicators have a super power? It’s that people trust them and the information they share. It’s true, and this fact puts the role of internal communicators as the new influencers in the spotlight. And just like Thor’s hammer has the power of lightning, IC professionals now have power and influence as trusted advisors to leadership.

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Communicators: Meet the Moment

When watching a soap opera, be it “The Young & Restless” or “General Hospital,” you can return to the show seven months later and it’s like you’ve never stopped watching. The characters are mostly the same and the plot has hardly changed. It’s predictable, comfortable, easy to follow, a little bit exciting — but nothing earth-shattering.

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Here’s What Jazz Music Teaches Us About Leadership

Colleagues occasionally refer to a harmoniously executed collaboration as “making beautiful music together,” but rarely does the metaphor extend to leadership. That’s why speaker, bassist and leadership coach Michael Gold, PhD, founded Jazz Impact, through which he delivers music-based learning programs focused on building collaborative skills that are essential for innovative organizations.

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How Comms Can Encourage Early Career Development Plans at Work

As companies grapple with learning how best to boost employee retention, one tactic often goes unnoticed: learning and development.

A recent LinkedIn Learning blog post notes that L&D can drive employee engagement, which then leads to higher retention rates. And the first step in a comprehensive L&D program is an early career development initiative.

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Doing More with Less: 5 Strategies for More Efficient, Less Stressful Comms

If orange is the new black, and fifty is the new forty, doing more with less is the new work normal. Expectations are up, resources are down. This seems universally applicable to communicators regardless of where they reside: company, nonprofit, government, or agency. Employees leave, positions aren’t rehired and the work simply shifts to remaining staff. Work responsibilities significantly increase (congratulations) without adding people or funds (uh oh). Communicators are expected to wear not just many hats but every hat, and to wear them all happily without a hint of resistance.

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Here’s How to Design Your Communications Tech Stack to Make Your Messages Resonate

A comprehensive internal communications strategy requires you to have the necessary tools to reach and engage your employees. Commonly referred to as a “tech stack,” a term used by developers to describe a collection of programs used to design an application or platform, an internal communicator’s stack pieces of software can help reach employees and measure messaging efforts. These measurement features are an invaluable resource when you are looking to prove the efficacy of your messaging strategies to C-suite members and other high-level executives.

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