CommPRO|Industry News

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Hiring Hub, Today Paul Kontonis Hiring Hub, Today Paul Kontonis

New Year, New Job: 3 Steps To Move On

Whether you are ending the year with a new job or deciding to look for one in 2017, how you leave your current position can say a lot about you as a person.  It doesn't matter if you are leaving a job you hate or love, you must leave it professionally.  You never know who you will be working with in the future or if you will need a reference from a past company/supervisor.  Resigning the right way shows your integrity and reflects on how you might treat your new employer.  Little things can make or break your career and your reputation.

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Hiring Hub, Today Paul Kontonis Hiring Hub, Today Paul Kontonis

Your Online Portfolio: 3 Reasons You Need One

Part of building your personal brand is showing the world what you do.  Putting your writing and/or design samples, media clippings, speeches and other collateral pieces online can greatly build your presence.  That's what it's all about.  If you are out there, you will be found.  Your portfolio should be a reflection of who you are professionally. 

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