CommPRO|Industry News

CommPRO keeps the communications, public relations and marketing industries connected, informed and creative.

How Your Business Can Build Strong Company Culture

In today's modern world, it's even more important to establish yourself as a well-respected entity in your industry. The best way to do this is by creating strong company culture from the get-go. There are many ways your company can build a strong company culture, whether through the people you hire, your brand's reputation, or the products and services you provide. Your business can build strong company culture by doing the following:

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Marketing Dr. David Hagenbuch Marketing Dr. David Hagenbuch

Do Subscriptions Make Sense?

“That’s the gift that keeps on giving the whole year”—such was Cousin Eddie’s inane attempt in Christmas Vacation to console a devastated Clark Griswold after he found out his firm gave him a Jelly of the Month Club membership instead of a generous cash bonus.  Clark had good reason to resent receiving a product subscription, but how should consumers feel about more companies moving to subscription models?

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Marketing Mike Paffmann Marketing Mike Paffmann

Creating an Email List

Building an email list is an important step towards a successful email program. Several approaches can be taken, with some working better than the others. An email list can be built from scratch. The option to subscribe to the email program of a business should be offered on every existing touch point possible. For potential subscribers, the email program should be easy and visible.

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Internal Communications CommPRO Editorial Internal Communications CommPRO Editorial

Communicators: Meet the Moment

When watching a soap opera, be it “The Young & Restless” or “General Hospital,” you can return to the show seven months later and it’s like you’ve never stopped watching. The characters are mostly the same and the plot has hardly changed. It’s predictable, comfortable, easy to follow, a little bit exciting — but nothing earth-shattering.

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Corporate Insights CommPRO Editorial Corporate Insights CommPRO Editorial

The Genius of Imagination in the Age of AI

I use my mind to bring together the essence of my personality, experiences, and senses. Our mind is the most fantastic tool to harness creativity. Other creators use similar methods. Regardless of what we use to create, our imagination allows us to envision and bring things into existence. Our mind is a powerful tool that can be used for good or evil. What we do with this power will decide how far we can go.

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Blockchain, Cryptocurrency, Investor Relations CommPRO Editorial Blockchain, Cryptocurrency, Investor Relations CommPRO Editorial

Getting to Yes – Kelley Howes, Vice Chair of Morrison & Foerster’s Investment Management Group

Kelley Howes, vice chair of Morrison & Foerster’s Investment Management Group with deep experience with a wide range of legal, regulatory, compliance, corporate governance, insurance and other matters and the former Executive Vice President and General Counsel of Janus Capital Group Inc., a NYSE-listed global asset management holding company, joins host Richard Levick of LEVICK.

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That Said with Michael Zeldin CommPRO Editorial That Said with Michael Zeldin CommPRO Editorial

A Conversation with Hawa Allan Author, 'Insurrection: Rebellion, Civil Rights, and the Paradoxical State of Black Citizenship'

Join Michael in his discussion with Hawa Allan as they discuss her new book, Insurrection: Rebellion, Civil Rights, and the Paradoxical State of Black Citizenship which examines the paradoxical history and application of the 1807 Insurrection Act from its original intended use to attack the Klu Klux Klan, and desegregate southern schools in the aftermath of Brown v. The Board of Education to its more recent use against Black Live Matter protestors.

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Public Relations Arthur Solomon Public Relations Arthur Solomon

Heroes Of the January 6 Select Committee Hearings (With An Important PR Lesson For People In our Business)

It astonishes me, although it shouldn't after listening to years of on-air pundits abuse simple English worlds in order to make their points. So it didn’t surprise me that phase one of the January 6 Select Committee hearings had some commentators using the word “hero” despite the fact that many of these Johnny- come- lately “heroes” had supported the lies of the former twice-impeached president for more than four years.

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The Next Big Tech Boom Is Already Here

Throughout modern history, each era has featured a tech boom in one way or another. Whether the rise of television through the 1950s and 1960s or the introduction of the internet and cell phones through the 1990s and 2000s, breakthroughs in technology have touched every generation, benefitting both businesses and consumers in the process.

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Marketing Jill Kurtz Marketing Jill Kurtz

How to Use YouTube for Marketing

YouTube is increasingly gaining importance as a social network. Why? YouTube is the second–most-visited website and has the second highest volume of online searches. Those stats alone are worthy of the attention of any marketer.

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Internal Communications CommPRO Editorial Internal Communications CommPRO Editorial

Here’s What Jazz Music Teaches Us About Leadership

Colleagues occasionally refer to a harmoniously executed collaboration as “making beautiful music together,” but rarely does the metaphor extend to leadership. That’s why speaker, bassist and leadership coach Michael Gold, PhD, founded Jazz Impact, through which he delivers music-based learning programs focused on building collaborative skills that are essential for innovative organizations.

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Marketing Brian Wallace Marketing Brian Wallace

4 Social Media Marketing Trends in the Insurance Industry

In this digital environment, insurance companies need to arise with innovative marketing ideas to reach and engage their target market. While traditional methods of marketing and lead generation like direct mail and networking events are still popular among insurance providers, they can reach a wider audience effectively using social media. This not only helps promote insurance products but also helps companies to interact with their customers and respond to their queries in real-time. Social media is also a great marketing platform to build and increase brand awareness for insurance providers. Some insurance companies rely on mascots, some target users with particular demographics and a few connect with celebrities to reap the benefits of influencer marketing.

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Blockchain CommPRO Editorial Blockchain CommPRO Editorial

Netra Launches Decentralized Social Media, Promises Full Ownership of Content and Identity

Netra team is pleased to announce the launch of its decentralized social media. SocialFi, an improvement over social networks, even offers an opportunity for you to make real-world money. SocialFi, short for social finance, is the combination of social networking and blockchain finance, and that's what a brand like Netra is pursuing.

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Public Relations CommPRO Editorial Public Relations CommPRO Editorial

Five Tips for Attention-Grabbing Visual Storytelling 

Attention. Attention. Attention. As every PR professional can attest, it’s a precious resource, hard to wrangle, and sought-after commodity. (We’re waving at you, Editor). If you sat through a press event with boring bullet points or bad PowerPoint presentations, you already know how conveying key messages requires interest and everyone’s favorite buzzword: engagement.

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Corporate Insights Wendy Glavin Corporate Insights Wendy Glavin

Nixon Insider, John Dean Uses Social Science to Chronicle the Actions of Trump and His Followers

Author’s note: This article reflects my interview with John Dean about his and Bob Altemeyer’s book, Authoritarian Nightmare: Trump and His Followers prior to the 2020 Presidential Election. John provides a deep analysis, particularly timely during the January 6th Select Committee Hearings. This article was originally published in 2020, prior to the Presidential Election.

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