CommPRO|Industry News

CommPRO keeps the communications, public relations and marketing industries connected, informed and creative.

Marketing Dr. David Hagenbuch Marketing Dr. David Hagenbuch

Ensuring Ethical Advertising

We’ve all said things we later regretted.  Fortunately, a personal apology can often atone for such individual indiscretions.  Advertising gaffes, which may reach millions, are much more damaging and difficult to roll back, so why do some of the world’s most creative companies and brightest people continue to make promotional faux pas, and what can be done to avoid them?

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Corporate Insights Richard Levick Corporate Insights Richard Levick

The Ghosts of Groundhog Day

“Generals are always prepared to fight the last war.”– Winston Churchill

The worst decisions I have ever made are those that try to correct the past.

We overcompensate or second guess or simply take the road “less traveled” and think, as Robert Frost so beautifully wrote, that it will make “all the difference.” While the past is a wonderful teacher, it is but a factor, not a blueprint.

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That Said with Michael Zeldin Michael Zeldin That Said with Michael Zeldin Michael Zeldin

A Conversation with Dr. Catherine Musemeche, Author, 'Lethal Tides: Mary Sears and the Marine Scientists Who Helped Win World War II'

Join Michael in his conversation with Dr. Catherine Musemeche as they discuss her new book, Lethal Tides: Mary Sears and the Marine Scientists Who Helped Win World War II, which explains how the science of oceanography helped US armed forced prepare for the battles in the Pacific.

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Marketing CommPRO Editorial Marketing CommPRO Editorial

Unique Marketing Strategies for 2023

Effective marketing is a key component of any successful business venture. Recently, there have been changes and new trends in the entrepreneurial world, many of which are specific to marketing. A business’s marketing strategy is vital to increasing sales and retaining customers. Below are unique marketing strategies you can adopt for 2023. Keep reading to learn more.

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Comms Tech Liz Finch Comms Tech Liz Finch

The Power of Designing for Humans

In today’s digital world, having a strong digital presence is becoming an increasingly crucial tactic for winning customers. As marketers only have about eight seconds to capture a customer’s attention before losing them, it’s essential for brands to have high-quality websites with seamless user experience (UX) design. 

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