CommPRO|Industry News

CommPRO keeps the communications, public relations and marketing industries connected, informed and creative.

Marketing Frank Hamilton Marketing Frank Hamilton

How to Write a Marketing Essay: Best Tips

Even if you think that your writing skills are quite low, the ability to express your thoughts clearly and persuasively is very important—it helps maintain credibility, and promotes the brand effectively. In reality, there are no secrets that will allow you to become an outstanding writer overnight. However, you can learn some tips to help you improve your marketing essay writing capabilities.

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Marketing Mike Paffmann Marketing Mike Paffmann

Content for Lead Generation

One of the most common strategies that many companies utilize when uncertain times are ahead is investing in promotional content that focuses on the final stages of the buying journey for customers.

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Active Listening, Industry News CommPRO Editorial Active Listening, Industry News CommPRO Editorial

Hapi Launches Active Listening Academy During the Loneliest Time of the Year

“The most wonderful time of the year”? Not so much. For most Americans, the period of time between Thanksgiving and New Year’s is more like the loneliest, most stressful time of the year: A 2021 study found that 3 out of 5 Americans feel their mental health negatively affected by the holidays. That’s a lot of people who need someone to just listen to them—and who may not have anyone in their lives to do so. 

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