CommPRO|Industry News

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Investor Relations Brian Wallace Investor Relations Brian Wallace

Turn To Real Estate As a Guard Against Inflation

U.S. inflation has hit highs unmatched in four decades. Gas prices have been inflated 49.6%, energy 29.3%, food by 6.3% (costing Americans an average of $24 more per month), and all items, on avenger, by 7%. There's no doubt that inflation is eroding the affordability of our everyday necessities, putting prices at their highest since 1982, as costs rise at gas pumps, grocery stores, and on virtually all consumer goods.

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The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Women Leaders™

Super-successful women leaders have learned to eliminate the good girl habits which rewarded them in their teens but stalled them in their professional lives. From research, executive coaching and experience I have identified the new habits that propel women forward to achieve their personal visions of success without abandoning their values.

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